If You Think This Has A Happy Ending... You Haven't Been Paying Attention

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I saw Winterfell in the distance.

In my dreams I was ecstatic about going back but now, I dreaded it.

We rode quietly through the village, and I looked out of the window. The people looked hopeless and sad. Nothing like when my father was Lord. The people looked malnourished and dirty, some wearing rags that are not fit to warm them through the horrible climate of the North.

As we rode the final road to Winterfell, I smelled the familiar, fresh, strong smell of the North. I missed it so much. Down South, the air smells more like horse shit than anything else.

We rode into the castle, and some servants stopped the horses. I immediately spotted Roose Bolton, and a younger, more handsome version of him, who I guessed was Ramsay Bolton. Next to them stood a woman I guessed was Roose's wife, since he mentioned something about her on the wedding feast.

Oh the wedding feast.

It was hard to even look at the Boltons without wanting to kill them.

Lord Baelish walked me over to them gently, and I looked at Roose Bolton with new-found bravery. He wasn't getting me to show any weakness. Not to him.

"Lady Audelia", greeted Roose.

"Lord Bolton", I replied, coldly.

"Welcome", he continued, disregarding my tone.

I stared him down with ice-cold, blue Tully eyes. I knew I had to play my part to make this match work, for me to be able to avenge my family. But I had to let him know that

The North Remembers

I curtsied after a moment, with the most fake smile I had ever had to make.

"May I introduce my son, Ramsay", continued Roose and stepped aside to let me meet my husband to be.

"It is an honor to meet you, Lady Audelia", he greeted, taking my hand in his and kissing it softly.

After I met the wife of Lord Bolton, I was led inside the castle that I once called home, and into my old room.

It was further away from all the others, somewhat in a tower by itself. It was circular with a big window that I could look out of. I entered the room, recognizing it immediately. The bed, the shelves were still there, just moved around. It wasn't how I left it.

That hurt me to think about. Nothing would ever be the same.

"Welcome home, Lady Stark", said the old woman that led me inside. "The North Remembers".

She walked out for the warm water, and I looked outside the large windows. It was nothing how I remembered it to be. Everything was different. 

I looked over at the spot where Rickon and Bran used to spar. Jon and Robb would try to help them out but it was hopeless. Father told them that they just had to give them time. Now a cart with clothes stood where they used to train.

Then I looked over to the bench by the side of the castle where Sansa and I would usually sew together as to watch our brothers and get something useful done. That bench was no longer there, instead two rows of soldiers stood tall and strong.

After my bath, I decided to take a walk around Winterfell. Visit my favourite places like the library, the secret spot me, Jon and Arya would sneak away to teach our little sister sword fighting or archery. ANd of course the weirwood tree. I had missed it.

The library remained unchanged, thank the gods. It was as it has always been, quite, old, and dusty. But it was nice. I would certainly be spending a lot of time here when I get married and we would wait for things to calm down.

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