Battle Of New York Part 2

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Clint and I start shooting at aliens as they fly startight at them.

"Kid?" Clint said.

"I see 'em." I said seeing Thor and Loki fighting.

"Guess, he's alright from falling 30 thousand feet in the air." I added with a chuckle.

"Really Faith?" Tony said

"What?" I said innocenty shooting at aliens just as the quinjet is hit.

Nat and Captain grab onto the sides of the Quinjet as it crashes.

Everyone gets out grabbing their weapons.

Aliens are flying everywhere, it's just a complete mess.

"We gotta get up there!" Captian yelled.

Everyone follows, people rushing past the group of heros, it's horrorfying.

I stop short with the others when we see a massive alien ship destroying anythnig and evreythng in it's path as it makes it's way into the city.

It flies right by us aliens jumping out ship, Natasha taps her com to talk to Tony.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" She asked.

"Seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner, has he shown up yet?" Tony asked

"Banner?" Captain asked.

"Just keep me posted." Tony said. 

I shoot into the sky.

Natasha and Clint are ducked behind a car as Captain runs up to them.

An alien goes straight Captain but thankfully he moves out of the way but before he can retalilate I set the alien on fire as I fly in the air

"You sure you haven't trained?" Clint asked 

"Yes! This is just survivial instincts coming through bud." I said as I lower onto the ground just an arrow whizzes by my head making me whip my head to the side seeing an alien down on the ground with an arrow lodged in it's face.

"Thanks." I said lifting one up throwing it to Clint who shoots it.

We share a look nodding to each other before moving out of the way of an alien and I stop it using my magic nodding to Clint who shoots it in the face before I drop it.

"Civillians!" Steve yelled as he runs to the Civillians helping them get away, I blast the aliens away

"It's like Budapast all over again." Natasha said.

"You and I rememer Budapast very differently." Clint said as he shoots an arrow at an alien sending it crashing down.

I laugh shaking my head, I spin around ducking under a punch before I back up dodging a spear.

"Well shit, that happened."  I muttered before punching it in the face and then punching the ground grabbing a piece of the road throwing it directly at the alien knocking it down making sure it doesn't get up.

"You okay?!" Clint yelled over.

"Yeah." I called back as an alien shoots at me making me throw my force field up before I lift the alien up taking his gravity throwing him onto the ground making alien blood splat everywhere.

Nat and Clint are handling some aliens.

I see an alien sneakng up behind them.

"Guys! Behind you!" I yelled dodging a punch that was meant for the back of my head. 

Natasha grabs it flipping it over her shoulder as Clint shoots it in the face.

I smirk seeing Captain talking to police officers as I kick an alien in the chest before ripping it apart due to the aliens metal suit.

"Damn kid." Clint said and I smile 

"Yeah, I'm a badass." I said dodging a another spear.

"What's the story up top?" Captain asked over the comm.

I am unable to respond as I am a little busy 

I get pinned down against a car as a spear is close to my throat.

"Faith!" Clint yelled horrified before he shoots the alien in the back of the head before rushing to me 

"Are you okay?" He asked after throwing the body off

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay." I said to the worried archer as he looks for any injuries. 

Clint lets out a breath of air.

"Duck!" I yelled and he ducks down as I throw an alien across the street over to Natasha who takes care of it 

"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable." Thor said.

I share a look with Clint and we start working side by side.

"Thor's right, we gotta deal with these guys." Tony said over the comm.

"Clint, on your left." I said and Clint turns and shoots the alien and then I slam down onto the ground his blue blood going all over the place.

"That was really gross." I said with a laugh.

"Cap, how are we gonna do this?" I asked 

"As a team." Captain said.

"I have unfinished business with Loki." Thor said.

"Yeah? Well get in line." Clint and I said at the same time.

"Save it, Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without it these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us---" Steve started but stops when Bruce rolls up on a old motorcycle.

"Well this all seems horrible." Bruce said.

"We've seen worse." Natasha and I said glancing at each other.

"Sorry." Bruce said.

"No, we could use a little worse." Natasha said.

"Stark, we got Banner." Steve said into the comm.

"Tell him to suit up, I'm bringing the party to you." Tony said.

He comes around the corner and behind him is one of the giant alien ships.

"I-I don't see how that's a party." Natasha said making me smirk slightly

"Dr. Banner, I think it's time to get angry." Steve said.

"That's my secret Cap..." Bruce started as he walks to the ship.

"I'm always angry." He finished beginning to grow and his  muscles grow and he starts to turn green.

He is the hulk now.

Hulk punches the giant alien skidding back.

Hulks looks back at me.

I nod as I fly up looking at the ailen raising my hands making a hand motion and with the help of hulks strength I split the alien in half.

I lower myself  to the ground.

"Okay kid that was awesome." Tony said and I smirk.

I let my hands become light before lifting them shooting the light at the aliens blinding them before I turn my hands to ice and shooting ice at them turning them to ice.

I use my wind knocking them over shattering them.

I turn back to Clint and the others.

Tony lands on the ground, Steve holds his shield, Hulk growled, Natasha loaded her gun, Thor spun his hammer, Clint loaded an arrow into his bow. I let my hands become fire.

Sirens and screams are the only thing that is heard through the city.

I smirk. 

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