Mother And Son

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I sit on the couch in shock blinking a couple of times.

"What?" I asked with wide eyes.

I start to become light headed again and Peter seems to notice so he quickly scoots next to me and hugs me.

"So she's my real mother? She's my mom?" Peter asked sounding teary eyed.

"Yeah Pete." May said

I wrap my arms around Peter before I pull myself together, I pull away from the hug seeing him smiling before I stand

"So my whole life has been a lie, I wasn't really born in the other world but I was born here and I am your sister? And Peter is my son. The one that I didn't get to raise?" I asked and May gulps nervously as Peter looks scared as if he's nervous that I don't want him to be my son.

"Yes." She said nervously.

I stare at them for a second pacing catching my breath.

"Okay. Now, Peter, you do not have to call me mom, right off the rip, I know you spent the past ten years of your life without me..." I started but Peter cuts me off.

"No mom, that wasn't your fault." He said and I bite my lip trying to stop the tears.

I pull him into another hug for a second pulling away from the hug looking at may.

"Now um... Peter has a younger half brother Patrick, he's mine and Clint's son." I said.

"Peter can stay with you if he wants that." May said and I look down.

"May, you raised him for ten year---" I started but Peter cuts me off.

"I want to, I can visit Aunt May over the weekends and I can still go to school. I want to meet my brother and possible step dad." Peter said.

"Are you sure, you don't have too." I said.

"Mom, I want too. I want to live with you, Patrick and Clint. Please." Peter said and I smile letting a tear slip down my face.

"May are you sure that your okay with this." I asked and she looks at me.

"Your his mother, you should be with him." She said.

"Okay." I said nodding and Peter grins excitedly and hugs me tightly.

"Thank you mom. I love you." He said.

"Love you too Peter, now go get some sleep you have school in the morning and I'm gonna need your help packing your stuff." I said and he smiles nodding.

"Night aunt May/mom. See you later Ned." Peter said and runs upstairs going to his room.

"You didn't have to do that, May." I said and she nods.

"I know. I wanted to, he belongs with you."  She said.

"Hey, he is more than welcome to see you on the weekends and your allowed to stop by as well, here's the address." I said.

"Now, I'm going to go see my son...Just saying that makes me want to cry." I said before walking upstairs going to Peter's room knocking on the door, he opens the door.

"Hey mom, I was getting ready for bed." Peter said and he grin at him nodding.

"Okay, I love you, I'll see you when you get home from school, I'll be passed out on the couch when you get up." I said and he nods.

"For now May's gonna drop you off until, we get you comfortable at the farm." I said.

"You live on a farm?!" He asked with wide excited eyes.

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