Nomad Steve

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"M-Mom? Oh my god, how's Patrick? Peter? Clint?" Wanda asked making me chuckle.

"They're good." I said as she pulls me into a tight hug and I hug her back pulling away.

"Hello Faith, we dearly missed you." Vision said as Wanda backs away holding Visions hand.

"Listen to me, Tony isn't here on earth he is on space with my  son and Strange but we have to get Vision somewhere safe because he has the mind stone and Thanos wants it." I said as I motion to the stone in Visions forehead.

"I don't get it." Wanda said as she holds onto Vision.

" Wanda, we have to fight." I said.

"No mom. That's not a good idea, your a criminal, I don't want anything to happen to you. Ross could come for you." Wanda said and I sigh shaking my head.

"Let him try. But we have to go. Please Wanda. Listen to me. Where is your br--" I started but get cut off by my hair flying into my face.

"I'm here mom." The blonde twin making me smile lightly.

"Hey there speedy." I said making him grin and laugh slightly before I start biting my lower lip nervously.

"Hey, talk to me. What's wrong?"  Pietro asked.

"Nothing, it's just that my oldest son is in space and I'm worried." I said and Pietro hugs me tightly. 

"He's gonna be okay." Pietro said and I nod stepping back.

"Wanda I..." Vision started but is cut off when he is stabbed from behind causing him to go from the human form that he's taken to his original form as he screams in pain before he is thrown down into the street.

"Vision!" Wanda yelled as she brings red energy into her hands for a counter attack when she is blasted back by a female alien sending her across the street and through a Bistro's.

"Wanda!" Pietro yelled and turns around speeding at the female alien just as he is thrown into the street with his sister and Vision.

"Oh hell no." I said and use my wind throwing her into a building before I jump out of the window landing in a pose.

" I said and use my wind throwing her into a building before I jump out of the window landing in a pose

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I bend down next to Pietro helping him up.

"You okay, speedy?" I asked and he nods before I run over to Wanda.

"Wanda." I said helping her up.

"I'm okay." She said and I nod we turn around and see Vision being pinned down by an alien trying to get the mind stone, Pietro, Wanda and I distract him when Wanda and I blast the alien as Pietro knocks over the other alien, we jog over to Vision, Wanda and I grab him flying to a courtyard, from where Wanda and I dragged him into a concealed alleyway with Pietro following us.

"The blade. It stopped me from phasing." Vision said as Pietro and I stand in front of them.

"Is that even possible?" Wanda asked.

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