Can I Have One Day?!

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It has been a good 4 months, Peter has become more comfortable here and wants to learn how to defend himself without using his powers and I have cut my hair.

Patrick is as crazy as a little boy can get, his hair isn't a dark blonde like his fathers but it is blonde, he has our eyes and Clint's grin and he does not have powers.   

I am laying next to Clint in bed when my phone rings making me groan answering the phone.

"Hey kid, we need some help." Tony asked.

"One day. One day is all I ask, I just want my youngest to have one day where his mother and father aren't running off to save the world." I grumbled through the phone.

"I know, I'm sorry, are the boys at school?" Tony asked.

"Yeah." I  said getting up.

"Alright, do you want me to wake up Clint?" I asked.

Leave him be for now." Tony said.

"Alright." I said and leave a note on his nightstand before leaving really quick not bothering to put on my suit because I have learned some new tricks over the years, I teleport myself to Tony's place grinning at him before I see Bruce and Dr. Strange.

"Bruce!" I said happily hugging him tightly.

"Hi Faith." He said hugging me back. 

"Hi, I'm Dr. Strange." Dr. Strange said and I smile nodding.

"Faith Barton." I said.

"How are Clint, Patrick and Peter?" Tony asked.

"Good, they're good. Patrick's getting a little crazy but what little boy doesn't, Peter is getting more comfortable at the farm." I said.

"How are you after everything?" Tony asked worried

"I'm fine." I said and smile.

Tony stares at me for a second before believing me.

"Okay, now we have a bit of a problem." Tony said and I nod.

"I've noticed." I said 

A few hours later we are learning about the infinity stones 

After that there is screams of fright, we head outside and are met with a giant space ship.

"Shit." I said quietly sharing a look with Tony sighing 

"This is gonna be a long day." I said running a hand down my face.

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