Learning About The Meeting

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(What Patrick Looks Like Now)

I am sitting on the floor playing with Patrick when there is a knock on the door, Clint is out back cutting wood, so I get up and pick Patrick up with one arm heading to the door answering it seeing Natasha standing there.

"Nat, what's wrong?" I asked.

"The Secretary of State just came to the tower and told us all to either come to a decision because of everything that happened the mess that was left behind in New York, Washington, Sokovia and Lagos and if we don't come up with a decision that he doesn't like we retire." Natasha said.

"Mommy, I'm hungry." Patrick said and I smile.

"Wanna come in? I was just about to make lunch."  I said and Natasha smiles nodding walking inside.

"Sorry fo the mess that I call a living room." I said and Natasha laughs lightly.

"Let me get Clint." I said.

"Mind watching Patrick for a sec?" I asked and she nods as I walk away.

"Clinton Francis Barton, get your dumbass in here!" I yelled outside

"Oh god, full name, what did I do now?" He asked himself as he runs inside seeing Nat with Patrick.

"Thank god, I'm not in trouble." Clint muttered.

"Yet." I joked and Natasha laughs.

"So what's going on?" Clint asked.

"The Secretary of State just came to the tower and told us all to either come to a decision because of everything that happened the mess that was left behind in New York, Washington, Sokovia and Lagos and if we don't come up with a decision that he doesn't like we retire." Natasha said as I walk into the kitchen making Patrick something to eat walking back into the living room handing it to him as Clint and Natasha talk.

I walk into the kitchen again making the adults some lunch, I set Nat's plate on the coffee table along with mine and Clints 

"So what are you guys gonna do?" I asked and Natasha sighs shrugging.

"I don't know." She said as she watches Patrick eat.

"Mommy, what's wrong?" Patrick asked with a mouth full.

"Patrick James, eat with your mouth closed." Clint said.

"Sowwy daddy." Patrick said and starts eating again. 

"Your alright bud, sorry I snapped at you, daddy's just stressed out." Cllint said.

I sit down on the couch eating my food quietly feeling like I'm missing a child.

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