Empty Feeling & BabySitter

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I sit on my bed with my head in my hands lost.

"Babygirl, everything okay?" Clint asked.

"Yeah, hun, just a bit lost." I said.

"About what?" Clint asked sitting next to me.

"I have this empty feeling like I'm missing something, but I'm not. I have you, Patrick, the others but it also feels like I'm missing a child." I said.

"That's weird." Clint said

"Yeah, really freakin weird." I said.

"I'm scared, what's happening to me?" I said closing my eyes burying my face in Clint's chest 

"I got you your okay, everything's gonna be okay." Clint said.

"I'm so confused." I muttered.

"It's okay. So am I." He said making me laugh lightly

"Daddy, is mommy okay?" Patrick asked.

"Yeah bud." Clint said nodding.

"Up." Patrick said and I smile picking him up just as the phone rings.

"Do I have to call the babysitter?" I asked and Clint sighs.

"Maybe." He said looking at the phone before looking at me.

"Yup." Clint said as I sigh grabbing my cell calling Hannah after putting Patrick down.

"Hey kid, I need you to watch Patrick for a little bit something came up. I'm sorry." I said and she laughs.

"Don't worry about it, I love that kid. His birthday's coming up soon." She said

"Yeah." I said watching as Patrick plays with his blocks before throwing one at the wall

"Patrick! No throwing things!" Clint scolded

"Sowwy." Patrick said and I sigh as Clint talks on the phone with Steve.

"Thanks again, your a really big help, I'll pay you extra." I said 

"No need, I'll be there in a few minutes." Hannah said 

"Thank you." I said hanging up the phone as Clint does the same.

"Cap needs our help. I'll get Wanda, you wait for the sitter please?" Clint asked and I sigh nodding kissing Clint quickly before backing away watching as he quickly leaves changing into his gear and grabbing his bow.

"Be careful!" I yelled out to him.

"Always." He called back.

"Love you!" We called out to each other in unison.

A couple minutes later Hannah is walking into the house.

"I'm here!" She called and I get up picking Patrick up.

"He's starting to throw things watch out." I said and she chuckles nodding.

"Thank you so much." I said and she rolls her eyes smiling.

"Anytime now go." She siad and I smile grabbing my keys and the rest of my stuff running out of the house and into my car speeding away.

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