Barton Farmhouse

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"So yeah, that's the story of my life." I whispered but I know that they all heard me as I hold my tears back.

I turn around and bury my face in Clint's chest while he kisses the top of my head.

"I SHALL DESTROY THAT MAN!" Thor yelled and I flinch at how loud it was.

"Oh, that son of a bitch better be happy that he doesn't live here." Natasha said pacing as Clint holds me tighter.

"Guys, not to ruin the moment but looks like Hulk did ruin some things although Bruce doesn't remember them... even though he said he wasn't affected." Maria said over the phone as Thor walks over to me and picks me up into a hug not letting go.

"Thor, buddy as much as I love you, I need to breath." I said and Clint laughs

Thor puts me back down onto my feet as I yawn leaning against Thor falling asleep, I feel myself be picked up and put on a seat and arms wrap around me making me cuddle up to the person and smile knowing that it's Steve


"Wake up darling." Steve whispered in my ear.

I open my eyes.

"We're already here, I swear to god I fell asleep not even 2 minutes ago, what the shit?" I said and everyone laughs.

"There she is." Tony said as I get up but stumble slightly but both Tony and Steve catch me.

I grin and Thor and Steve hold me steady as we leave the jet

Clint is holding Natasha steady as Thor, Tony, Steve, Bruce and I follow.

"Nice Farmhouse Barton." I said laughing.

Clint chuckles as we walk in, I can smell the vanilla scent and cake being baked in the kitchen I get shy every once in a while so I go closer to Clint who wraps an arm around me with Tony and Steve on my other side.

"Laura, I'm home." Clint called through the house

We see a pregnant Laura walk into the room hugging Clint quickly 

"Sorry I didn't tell you we had company." Clint said as he pulls away from our hug wrapping his arm around my waist kissing the side of my head making me grin slightly. 

"It's okay." Laura said and smiles at me and the other.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is my sister Laura." Clint said and everyone nods.

"I know all of your names...except yours." Laura said looking at me and I put my hands on my hips looking at Clint.

"Oh, your in trouble." Tony sang.

"You didn't tell your sister about me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as Laura laughs behind me.

"I'm sorry." He said closing his eyes tightly  and waits for me to hit him upside the head.

I slap him in the head making him wince.

"Dumbass." I said as he rubs the back of his head and I turn to Laura.

"I'm Faith Quin, this idiots girlfriend." I said pointing at Clint.

"Hey, I'm not an idiot!" He said and I look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I'll be quiet now." He said.

Everyone laughs at him

"That's what I thought." I said and grin hearing footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Ooh incoming." Clint said as his niece and nephew burst into the room attacking him into a hug.

"Uncle Clint!" Lila said happily when Clint picks her up kissing her cheek and ruffling his nephew's hair.

"These are smaller agents." Tony said looking at Thor and I chuckle shaking my head.

"They are called children, Tony, feel free to use the term." I said and he rolls his eyes.

"Did you bring auntie Nat?" Lila asked and I smile

"Why don't you hug her and find out." Natasha said and then Lila squeals and runs to Nat who picks her up.

"Sorry for barging in on you ma'am." Steve said and Laura just smiles and shakes her head.

"Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no clue that you existed." Tony said 

"Well, Fury helped me out. To keep it on the low." Clint said wrapping his arm around my shoulder

"I missed you." Laura said hugging Nat who rests her hand on her belly.

"How's little Natasha doing?" Nat asked.

"She's...Nathaniel." Laura said sheepishly smiling at her as Natasha bends down to her belly.

"Traitor." She said.

"I'm hungry." I said and walk away towards the kitchen.

"Did she just?" Tony asked and everyone chuckles.

"Yeah she did." Clint said.

When I walk back into the room with my food,  I see that Thor is gone.


Laura had told us that we had to double up, so that left Natasha and Bruce, me and Clint obviously and Tony on his own.

I walk outside feeling the gentle breeze hit my face and then arms wrap around my waist making me smile lightly.

"You okay?" Clint asked and I nod.

"Yeah, I just haven't felt like this in a really long time." I said.

"Like what?" He asked and I turn around wrapping my arms around his neck.

"At peace, I haven't felt like that in a really long time and you did that for me." I said and he smiles and kisses me.

"Ew!" A little girl voice comes from behind Clint making us pull away and laugh looking at Lila.

"That's gross!" She said.

"What? This?" Clint asked and kisses me again making me smile and giggle into the kiss.

"EW!" She yelled and runs away making me laugh and pull away looking at him

"I love you." I said and he grins.

"I love you." He said kissing me again.

"Okay that's enough you two." Natasha said making us pull apart and roll our eyes, I step back making a ball of water hitting him in the face with it laughing.

"You did not just do that." He said and I laugh before jumping over the railing running away with him laughing as he chasing me.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" I yelled as I continue running away.

"Language." Steve said before sighing.

"I did it again." He grumbled as I laugh looking at him just as I am tackled to the ground from behind making me squeal as I roll over seeing Clint above me.

He smiles bringing his hand up to my cheek kissing me.

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