Winter Soldier

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3 Month's Later...(She's 20 now)

"Steve, just listen to me, you've got to believe me, have I lied to you before?" I said and Steve shakes his head and drinks his drink quickly.

"Faith, listen I saw Bucky die, okay, he fell off that train, I SAW him, there's no way it's him." He said and I huff shaking my head running a hand through my hair.

"Whatever, if you don't you believe me don't be surprised when it's him!" I snapped standing up and going to the spare room slamming it shut leaving a shocked Steve.

I get in the shower washing my hair while thinking of Clint making me grin feeling the water hit my skin.

After 15 minutes, I get out of the shower changing into my pajamas before falling onto my bed falling asleep while dreaming of my life with Clint.


I am currently in a car with Natasha and Steve in the front and me being squished in the backseat between Sam and Jasper Sitwell. Steve and I had talked this morning about last night and right now Steve still doesn't believe me about Bucky but it doesn't matter because he'll believe me when he sees it for himself, Steve is driving down the highway making me groan annoyed.

"Hydra doesn't like leaks." Jasper said and I roll my eyes as Natasha looks at him from the passenger seat.

"Then why don't you zip it before I punch you in the face." I said.

Sam smirks looking at me and then at Natasha and Steve.

"I like her." He said and I smile looking away.

"She's smart, how are things with Barton and I've missed you a lot." Natasha said and I roll my eyes with a smile

"I've missed you too pretty lady and things with Clint are good." I said and Natasha laughs at the first part of my sentence as she smiles at me before becoming serious and looking at Steve.

"Insights launching in 16 hours, we're cutting it close here." Natasha said as I lean back closing my eyes thinking about Clint trying to keep my head in the game not letting myself lose focus before I open my eyes.

"So since the insights launch in 16 hours we'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the Helicarriers directly." Steve said and I can feel Jasper shaking and I smirk looking down as Steve drives down the road.

"What?! Are you crazy?! That is a mistake." Jasper said

"No the mistake was when your parents decided to have you." I snapped and Sam starts laughing as The Winter Soldier lands on the car, pulling Jasper out of the car and into the street and into oncoming traffic, killing him. Steve slams on the brakes really hard making The Winter Soldier fall and drop down onto the street.

"Oh god." I said trying to remember what happens after this and thinking of Clint all the same time.

Another car smashes into us pushing us forward, The Winter Soldier jumps onto the hood of the car smashes the window open ripping the steering wheel out, Steves stares at him in shock.

"Shit!" Sam and I yelled at the same time as Sam tries to pull me towards him, Natasha starts shooting at Winter Soldier but he jumps to the car behind him as we were being taken off the road.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Steve, I'll get Sam and I outside! You get Natasha out through the door!" I yelled shooting the roof with fire melting it before grabbing Sam and shooting out of the car and into the sky.

"Hang on!" Steve yelled breaking the drivers seat door as he held onto Natasha and is now sliding down the street.

I drop back down to the ground landing on my feet with Sam and he lands on his ass. 

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