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— mattia

three weeks later, i was going to my first physical therapy visit. "now matti, don't get stubborn or impatient with the physical therapist or with yourself for not being able to do certain things. this is only your first day so don't expect to walk perfectly fine after today," my mom tells me.

"i've been playing soccer for about eight to nine years now, i think i can handle physical therapy," i told my mom and she raised her eyebrows at me.

"if you say so," she replies as she parks in the parking lot. she gets down the car and opens the back seat to grab my crutches. i get up from my seat and settle on to the crutches before walking to the front door with my mom.

the pain from my surgery has definitely decreased since and it's been a lot easier to use crutches. i stopped using a wheelchair to get around about 2 weeks ago because my surgeon thought it was time i give my body blood flow.

my mom opens the door and i walk inside with her. "hello, we have an appointment with the physical therapist," my mom says.

"can i get the patient's name please?" the lady asked.

"mattia polibio."

"date of birth?" she asked.

"may 16, 2003." my mom replies and the lady types in her computer.

"alrighty, right this way please," she says after getting up from her seat and leading us to our designated room.


"that shit was hard as fuck," i explained to madison who was laying beside me listening to me complain about today's session. "they stimulated my muscle with some electricity shit which hurt a lot more than what i expected."

she laughed in response as she nodded and listened to me. "then she had me walk to the front and back of the room 10 times each and then she had me do jumping jacks."

"haven't you done worse with soccer?" she asked me.

"i didn't take a bullet to the leg when i played soccer," i told her and i could tell she felt bad for saying that. "it's okay, i should be used to jumping jacks by now but she had me doing so much when i recently got out of surgery."

she caresses my arm and smiles at me, "just think about the fact that you'll be able to walk soon without any crutches," she said. "and you start school tomorrow."

i shuddered at the thought of going to school. having a platform always had all of my social media accounts flooded with hate comments, but it's different when your classmates from school talk shit about your accident.

i can only imagine the shit they've said without even seeing me.

"i don't know how to feel about that," i tell her. "i just want my birthday to come."

"anything you specifically want for your birthday?" she asks me as she sits up and i small smirk rushes over my face.

"well," i say and sit up to her level. "what did we do for your seventeenth birthday?" i asked her.

"we ate dinner and stayed at a hotel your parents got for us i think," she said and i smile as she remembers last year.

"you're missing a key detail," i slyly raise my eyebrows at her, hoping she'd get the hint.

she stays quiet before her eyes widen and she shakes her head, "no, not happening," she says and i burst into laughter.

"why not?" i asked her and she narrows her eyebrows.

"why not?" she repeats in shock. "because you literally have a semi functioning leg and i won't risk you hurting your leg over a nut."

i laugh again and hold her hands, "okay well at least this time it'll be over a good reason," i tell her. "birthday sex with my girlfriend."

"we're not dating, remember?" she reminds me and i look at her lips before getting close to her face.

"that's not what you said the moment i woke up from surgery," i whispered and smiled before she pushed me away.

"woke up," she says as she does little quotation marks with her fingers. "we're not having sex on your birthday."

"what if i ask my doctor?" i offered and she throws her head back in laughter.

"gosh you're such a horny little boy," she says. "if your doctor says yes then i don't see why not, but maybe i'm not horny that day."

i give her a "really?" look and she bites back a smile, "i'm not too worried about you not being horny that day." and she smacks my arm.

"what are you trying to say, huh?" she crosses her arms.

"i mean just look what happened at the first party you went to when you came back," i tell her. "i'm irresistible and i know how to fire you up," i say and i place a hand on her thigh and she looks down at it.

"are you challenging me, polibio?" she raises an eyebrow at me. "since you're so confident i can't resist you, how about we put it to the test?"

"you're setting yourself up for failure, but by all means," i start and stick my hand out for he to shake. "i love winning."

she squints her eyes at me before shaking my hand. "i hate you," she tells me.

"i'll have my doctor's approval by tomorrow night," i tell her and kiss her forehead. "i love you too."


author's note
lil short chapter but i kindaaaa love this chapter

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