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i parked my car outside in the parking lot and grabbed my bookbag. i stayed up all night helping madison feel better and i barely got enough sleep.

i walked into the cafeteria where everyone usually waits and i saw the boys plus lauren and madison sitting in a table. madison's head was down and i couldn't help but laugh as i saw her sleep.

she's so cute.

i walked up to them and clapped them up before sitting next to madison. "hey sleepy head." i told her as i poked her side and she groaned in response.

"i'm still laughing at what mariano posted." roshaun said as he looked at his phone.

"what do you think he means by 'you don't know who you're messing with'?" kairi asked and i looked at lauren.

"don't you dare mattia." she told me and i rolled my eyes.

"who are they gonna tell?" i asked her and she sighed before rubbing her forehead.

"you guys can't say anything." lauren told them.

"he's in a gang." i told them and they all covered their mouths, well at least alvaro did.

madison's head shot up and she looked at me, "how the fuck do you know?" she asked in a concerned voice.

i look at lauren and she turns around. "i'm sorry!" lauren said as she glared at me. "i told them back in december but they aren't gonna say anything, right?" she looked at them.

they didn't say or do anything which cause madison to cover her face. "you guys seriously can't say anything." madison said. "i'm not even joking when i tell you that no one's supposed to say anything."

"so he's all about that slat life, huh?" alvaro said as he wiped his nose and did a thumbs down.

"bro shut the fuck up." robert laughed at alvaro.

"i'm serious." madison said. "it's super lowkey and they're super dangerous."

i rolled my eyes, "you're not in miami anymore." i told her and she shrugged.

"what's your point?" she asked.

"nothing's gonna happen." i said. "i'm not going to say anything because i can actually keep a secret, but he's just bluffing."

"wait so what was it like?" alvaro asked. "i mean did you ever see some crazy shit?"

madison nodded in response, "no fucking way. what did you see?" kairi asked.

"i saw him pull out a gun from his car." she said.

"oh, that was that day." lauren said as she smiled.

what the fuck happened that day?

i rolled my eyes, "mariano isnt going to do shit." i told them. "he's just putting up a front like he always does."

"i'd still be careful." madison said.

the first bell rang, preventing the conversation from going any further. "i'll see you guys at lunch." i told them as madison and i walked together.

"so, you know what's coming up?" i asked her and she shook her head. "valentine's day." i smiled and she smiles back.

"don't start." she pointed at me and i put my hands up.

"i'm just reminding you about a holiday." i told her and she laughs.

"good." she responds.

"you don't want to do anything that day?" i asked her and she shook her head. "no gifts either?"

she turns to me, "when have i ever asked you for a gift?" she asks me and i laugh.

anything that she wants, i'll bring it to her. i'm not saying this because i'm trying to win her back, but even before everything happened i bought her so many things.

"well we have to do something that day." i told her and she slyly smiles.

"but we're not dating." she turns her head and places a hand on her hip.

it takes every inch of me to not grab her face and kiss her in the middle of this hallway.

"you just love having me chase you, don't you?" i asked her and she shrugs.

"a little." she responds. "but seriously, don't waste any money on me."

"fine." i told her. "you don't waste money on me and i won't waste money on you." i told her and she nods in agreement.

"perfect." she puts her hand out for me to shake.

"but." i tell her and her face drops. "i take you out on a date."

"no." she says. "mattia i don't want you wasti-"

"wasting money, i know." i finish her sentence. "this date doesn't require any money to spend."

she crosses her arms, "i don't believe you." she squints her eyes at me.

i sigh, "just because you don't believe me, this will be the only time i'll tell you where we're going." i tell her and she grins widely.

she's such a kid sometimes.

"the beach." i tell her and she smiled.

"good choice." she says and i laugh. "we have a deal." she says with her hand out and i laugh before shaking it.

"i don't know how i was ever with you." i joked and she hits my arm before walking into class.


author's notes
flight's in six hours 🥳🥳

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