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i impatiently waited for madison and lauren to both arrive to my dad's restaurant. the day finally came and i was leaving to ocean city to start the tour.

thankfully, we get two days off after arrival before the day of the event and some creators are already planning parties.

"where are they?" kairi asked.

"on their way." i replied.

"tell madison to drive quicker, i'm hungry as fuck." he said and i playfully pushed him as i walked to the freezers to grab a bottle of water.

i was wearing a black long sleeve with sweatpants while my parents were dressed up nice. my manager, agent, parents, brother, kairi, his parents, alejandro, his parents, lauren, and madison were all invited to the lunch.

you can imagine how fucking long this table is about to be. a few minutes later, i see a white car park in the parking lot and i jump out of my seat.

i walk out of the restaurant as she puts the car on park and turns it off, taking off her seatbelt in the process. her and lauren get down and alejandro walks up to lauren, and i walk to madison.

she was wearing a fall sweater with black jeans and her signature smile. "hey beautiful." i tell her and she smiles wider as she leans in for a kiss.

to be honest, i've felt like asking her what we are and where we stand. we act like we're dating but we're not and i want to be able to officially be together. this just feels like she can back out whenever she wants to and it worries me.

i'm not going to bring it up because i won't be back until another two months so i'll just let whatever happens happen.

we go inside and she greets everyone including my parents who were happy to see her after a while. we all decide to sit down since everyone is here so i sit in between kairi and madison.

"what are you going to order?" i asked her and she looked at me.

"let's see if you remember." she says and i raise my eyebrows. "do you remember when i first came here?"

"of course." i quickly answer as if it was the easiest question in the world. i look at the menu and try to remember what she ordered. "it wasn't pasta." i confidently say and she shook her head. "give me a hint."

"seafood." she replies and i turn over to the seafood section.

"oh!" i say in realization. "you ordered the salmone in crosta." i say in italian and she nods. "i remember because not many people order that."

"i don't think i've ever emphasized how much i love your accent." she tells me as she looks at me.

gosh, i feel like just kissing her for ten hours straight but we're in public.

"i'll talk italian more often." i tell her and she smiles.

"you never taught me like you said you would." she said.

"things happened." i replied and she sighed. "but i can teach you now." i say in hopes of cheering her up.

"you mean in two months." she corrects.

"it'll feel like two days." i try to cheer her up knowing it's a lie.

"more like two years." she says.

two centuries for me.

we all continue to talk until our food arrives and our agent stands up. "i'd like to make a toast." he brings his glass in his hand. "today we celebrate the success of mattia, kairi, and alejandro as they are off to tour today. you guys went from three normal town boys to big social media stars, and all of us can't wait to see what the future has in store for you." he says. "cheers!"

"cheers!" we say and he sits back down.


after we eat, the tour bus comes and it's almost time for us to go. we had finished eating and everyone was scattered around the restaurant talking to different people.

"boys, it's time!" our agent says and i look over at madison who looks sad.

"stop." i tell her. "you're not going to cry."

"i know but i wish you weren't leaving." she hugs me tightly, only making me want to stay. "don't do anything crazy over there."

"when do i?" i respond to her and she laughs.

"i'm serious, i won't be there to save your ass." she replies and i slide my hand by her cheek and kiss her.

"i love you." i tell her. "we'll be together when i come back."

her eyes soften and she smiles, "well, that's if i say yes."

"what if i ask you now?" i tell her and she playfully rolls her eyes.

"don't." she says and i nod.

we both walk out of the restaurant towards the parking lot where the tour bus was parked at. "i'll miss you guys." i tell my parents who were waiting for me with open arms.

"have fun, matti." my mom says as i hugged her tightly. "if anything happens to you, please call me."

"mom stop overthinking." i laugh and she laughs along.

"i'm a mom, i can't." she says and i pull away from the hug.

"bye papà." i tell my dad and he hugs me.

"we'll be here when you come back." he says. "wait, what's going on between you and madison?" he asks and i turn around and look at madison, whose hugging kairi.

"we're..friends ish." i say and he gives me that look. "i'm asking her out when i come back." i tell him and he pats my back.

"don't think i don't know what happened between you two." he says and i freeze. "i let madison's dad do the talking."

"wait, you knew?" i asked him and he nodded.

"your mother doesn't and i think it's better she doesn't know, for your sake." he says and i nod. "we'll talk more about this when you come back."

"love you papà." i said and he hugs me.

"love you too." he says.

i hug my little brother, "don't go into my room." i tell him and he laughs.

"don't bet on it." he says and i push him playfully.

i walk back to where madison is, "text me and call me every day." i tell her.

"mattia, you're going to be busy i'm not going to call you." she chuckles.

"fine, you text me and i'll call you." i tell her and she nods. "i love you, i'll be back before you know it." i tell her and she nods.

i lean in and give her a kiss before hugging her tightly one last time. i go over to lauren and give her a hug, "don't let her drink." i say quietly so madison doesn't hear me.

"you're not the boss of her." lauren smiles and i laugh.

"then i'll let ale drink." i tell her and her eyes widen.

"fine." she crosses her arms. "as long as you take care of him too."

"deal." i tell her and we shake hands.

my publicist takes a picture of all of us before i walk into the bus. "this shit is an rv." kairi says and the bus driver clears his throat.

"sorry." kairi apologizes and we laugh.

i look out the window and see madison waving and we wave back.

let's get these two months over with.


author's notes
merry christmas guys! with everything that has been going on this year, i know that there may be some people who are still grieving a lost of a loved one, dealing with family problems, not being able to celebrate christmas, etc. i just wanted to say that you're not alone and i'm sending nothing but love to you. and to those who don't celebrate xmas, happy holidays! i love you all so so much and consider this + another chapter as my xmas gift! you guys deserve endless chapters but i've been surprisingly busy!

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