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in about three days, mattia and the boys will leave for tour. how does madison feel? well, as much as she doesn't want to admit it, she knows she'll miss him. even though she's gone ten months without seeing or hearing from him, he's the reason she's excited for the next day.

it's always a surprise with mattia. whether it's a good one or a bad one, he never fails to amaze and surprise her. mattia doesn't want to leave madison either. their going down the right path to better their relationship and he's afraid the lack of communication will mess it up for them.

he understands that he has caused madison to lose her trust which only led to her overthinking every little scenario, but he hopes she doesn't think he's cheating on her because he takes long to reply. they're meant for each other and he knows it, but it's up to him to show it to her.

before he leaves, him and madison planned a small date to enjoy some time together before he leaves for tour. as usual, it's a surprise.

meanwhile in madison's house, raquel realized how much madison loves mattia. she's always been a good daughter to mason and raquel agrees that mason's being a little too harsh with madison.

"honey, i think you should talk to mattia." she tells mason as he looks up from his phone and at raquel.

"that was random." he replied and raquel smiled. "why should i do that?"

she sighed, "madison loves him and i think it would mean the world if you talked to mattia and approved of him again."

"he cheated on my daughter." he tells her. "i'm never forgiving him. there's plenty of guys who will treat her better."

"yes, but they understand each other." she explains. "madison and i talked about him yesterday while you were showering and she would love if we invited him to the wedding, but she doesn't think you'd want that."

"she knows me so well." he replies and raquel rolled her eyes at her fiancé's wit. "i don't get why you want me to talk to the kid."

"because your daughter is in love with him, mason." she says. "she doesn't want to admit it, but one of the main things holding her back is you."

"i can't trust a kid who cheated on my daughter." he says. "i really liked him too, raquel. he treated her with respect, he always loved her, he took her out on dates, but then he cheated and messed it all up. i'm a dad and i need to be like this for her to learn."

"learn what that she'll never feel like she can trust you with guys again?" raquel says and mason raises his eyebrows. "it's true. the only thing you're doing is making her feel like she can't trust you with guy problems. you took her damn phone for something she couldn't control." she defends madison and mason stays quiet.

"you're not a parent so you don't-" he tries to say but raquel quickly cuts him off.

"don't pull that card on me, mason cecaro." she tells him and he holds back a smile. "just give the kid a chance and let him prove to you how much he loves your daughter."

mason sighs before taking his glasses off, "fine." he gives in. "i'll call him."

"wait really?" she asked and he nods. "call him right now then."

"what more do you want from me?" he complains and she crosses her arms in response.

he grabs his phone and dials mattia's number, putting it on speaker. the phone rings until mattia finally answers. "mattia, hey, i was wondering if you're busy tomorrow."

"i- no, i'm not. what's up?" he politely asked mason.

"i wanted to talk to you and give you a chance to explain yourself since i know you're still in my daughter's life." he says. "does tomorrow at three sound good?"

"wow, yeah that's perfect." mattia says in shock. "thank you so much for giving me a chance, i really appreciate it."

"of course, i'll see you tomorrow. bye." he says and hangs up before looking over to his wife. "you're welcome." he says.

"this is exactly why i'm marrying you." she says with a smile.

since that's done with, that leaves mason relieved and mattia worried. he's happy mason's finally giving him a chance, but he's scared he'll fuck it up. what if mattia only proves mason's point?

not only does he have to see mason tomorrow, but he has to cancel plans with madison to talk to her dad. it's worth it, though. this one conversation has the potential to make their relationship or break it.


author's note
i'm triple updating because i forgot to update in time and this chapter was kinda short tbh

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