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i sprayed some cologne before walking downstairs, "i'll be home later!" i yell as i walk down the stairs.

"where are you going?" my mom asked me and i turned around.

"i'm going to a party the team made for the boys and i." i said. "i'll be there for a little bit." i reassured her and she nodded.

"be careful and don't do anything i didn't teach you to do." she says and i chuckle as i nodded and gave a hug.

"bye mamma." i said before opening the front door and walking to alejandro's car.

after school, i went up to alejandro and we both apologized for acting like dicks. although i personally don't think anything was my fault, i wasn't up for being on bad terms with alejandro during the tour. knowing me, i'll give him the silent treatment and never be the one to speak to him first.

i clapped up kai and alejandro and he drove to madison's house to pick up lauren. i was excited, not to see lauren but to see madison. i feel like we've been doing pretty good at taking things slow. minus the sex and all the kissing, we've managed to have conversations without arguing.

i really need to fix things with her dad. it's the only way not only she will see that i truly am in love with her, but her dad will see that i truly regret everything i did and that means more.

sometimes i wonder, am i really what madison needs? she's a beautiful girl who could probably have any guy she wants, but she's managed to not lose her hope on me. i can't take that for granted and i know i won't.

a few minutes later, alejandro parks outside of madison's house and we all get down and wait by the car. "is madison coming?" alejandro asks and i shake my head. "how come?" he asks but it soon hits him. "never mind." he laughs.

soon enough, both madison and lauren come out of the house except lauren's dressed up nicely and madison's in a hoodie and sweatpants. i smile as she walks my way with her baggy clothing on.

she gives me a hug before saying hi and hugging the boys as a way of greeting them. "you sure you can't go?" kai asked her and she nodded.

"i'd rather not risk anything." she says.

"if you change your mind, i'll text you the address." alejandro tells me and she nods in response, looking over to me as i was already staring at her.

"are you going to drink?" she asked me.

i had a feeling she would ask me this.

"no, i'll be there for a few hours and hopefully i can come over here." i said. "that's if i can."

"i don't know," she said. "maybe i'll have josh come over to keep me company while you're at the party." she purposefully teased me.

"oh really?" i asked her. "maybe i'll have a drink with je-"

"don't even finish that sentence." she says and i laugh.

"let's go lovebirds." said kairi and i laughed as they all got into the car.

"i'll text you later?" i asked her and she nodded. i leaned in, aiming for a kiss on the lips, but instead she turns her head and my lips land on her cheek.

"you're killing me." i told her and she smiled.

"i'll see you later." she says before walking away towards the front door of her house.

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