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what is she doing?

she's napping

so she won't hear me?


this plan is going to fail terribly btw

no it's not

you literally agreed to it

because i want to see mason
beat your ass like he should

you're mad annoying bruh


make sure she doesn't wake up
she'd kill me if she found out i'm
doing this

as she should tbh

if u know this could end bad
why are you doing it lol

she's grounded because of me why
else do you think i'm doing it bruh


if you think this is gonna make y'all
get back together think again

i'm not doing it because of that

you think so low of me

with the shit you've done i definitely
can't think high of you

okay but i'm trying to fix this

good for you

if she wakes up try to distract her

will do

everything's gonna be fine. i'm gonna explain myself, convince him to unground her, and go. simple as that.

i wish it were that simple. i don't know what i'd do if he were to hit me. my first instinct would be to hit back, but it's madison's dad we're talking about. i can't hit him and just move on with my day.

fuck, i don't know what to do.

is madison worth getting punched in the face? if it means she's not grounded, yes.

i get out of my car, closing it behind me as walk towards the front door. here goes nothing.

i knock on the front door and wait a few seconds before i'm immediately greeted by raquel. her eyes widen and she looks back at mason before looking at me and stepping out of the house.

"mattia, what are you doing here?" she asks with concern in her voice.

"i'm here to talk to mason." i respond and she rubs her forehead.

even she knows how bad this can end up.

"i don't think that's a good idea." she says.

"honey who's at the door?" i hear mason from behind and soon enough he appears on the door. "what the fuck are you doing here?"

i'm literally going to shit myself.

"i was wondering if i could talk to you." i tell him as i rub my sweaty palms against my jeans.

"you have a lot of nerve for coming to my house." he says. "i'll be inside in a second, let me handle this." he tells raquel who nods before walking inside.

he waits for her to go inside before grabbing the collar of my shirt and pushing me against the wall, "i trusted you enough to date my daughter and i find out you fucking cheat on her." he says and i put my hands up.

"c-can i please explain why i'm here?" i ask him.

fuck this was a bad idea.

"even after you cheated on her you had the nerve to talk to me as if nothing happened." he says pushing me against the wall once more.

"i know and i'm sorry but can i please explain myself without having your hands on my shirt?" i ask him, growing annoyed by him pushing me against the wall every five seconds.

he roughly let's go of my shirt and crosses his arms, "i'm sorry for cheating on madison. if i could take it back i would and-"

"too bad you can't." he says.

i nod, "i came here because i don't think it's fair to ground her for something she didn't ask for." i tell him.

"she lied to me about what happened." he tells me.

"but she had a reason." i tell him.

"and what's that reason?" he asks as he raises his eyebrows.

"she just wasn't ready to talk to anyone about it." i tell him. "i'm not here for your forgiveness or your pity because i know i fucked- messed up." i correct myself. "but i'm really working on proving myself to her that i won't commit the same mistake."

"i'm not letting you be with her ever again." he says.


"i mean," i start. "with all due respect, i don't think you can control that."

"why did you do it?" he asks me and i freeze.

i don't even fucking know why i did it. i was hurt and as toxic as it sounds, i just wanted to hurt her too.

"i was hurt." i tell him.

"that makes no sense." mason says.

does he not know what she did?

"she lied to me about something and looking back at it, it wasn't that bad but i was mad and i wanted to hurt her like she hurt me." i tell him.

that sounds rude.

"i'm sorry, i really am." i tell him. "it's okay if you don't want me to see her anymore, just don't ground her for my mistake."

he rubs his chin before uncrossing his arms and turning to the door. assuming he's done with the conversation, i start walking towards my car.

"mattia." i hear from behind and i turn around. "i'm really disappointed in you." he says and i can feel guilt quickly rush over me

"me too." i respond before opening my car door and starting the car.

how did i let myself fuck up so bad? everything was so perfect before i cheated on her. the look of horror and pain on her face when she walked in has stayed glued on my mind ever since it happened. she didn't deserve that.

thanks to me, trust issues are the only thing keeping us apart. i was her first boyfriend and heartbreak in one. we were willing to do a long distance relationship until she came back. we had a plan, a future, but it's all ruined thanks to me.


author's notes
hey y'all i'm feeling much better! they did the endoscopy and turns out i do have gastritis. i'll update again later or maybe tomorrow. i love you guys, thank you sm for your patience and all the support. forever grateful for y'all 🤍

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