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i finished my breakfast and placed my plate inside the sink. "here." my dad says as he hands me my phone.

i look up at him and back at my phone. "are you serious?" i ask him.

there's no way he's actually going to give my my phone. just a few days ago he's was going off on how i shouldn't have my phone and now he's giving it back.

"take it before i change my mind." he says and i smile before grabbing my phone and hugging my dad.

"thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" i tell him. "i promise i won't lie to you again."

"just because i gave you the phone doesn't mean i'm not mad." he tells me. "but we're all going out for dinner tomorrow so don't make any plans that day."

"we never go to out for dinner." i tell him and he glares at me, shooting me a look that says 'shut up'.

oh my god, he's proposing on tomorrow.

"actually, dinner tomorrow sounds nice." i tell him and he smiles before kissing my forehead.

i walk out the front door with lauren and we both get in the car. this time i decided i want to drive and lauren happily agreed. "i can't believe it worked." lauren laughed to herself as she put her seatbelt on.

"the what?" i asked her and she shook her head.

"i just can't believe he gave you your phone back." she said and i nodded in agreement.

"i'm just as shocked as you are." i tell her. "he's gonna propose to raquel tomorrow."

"what!" she yells and i smile. "oh my god that's so cute!" she says.

"i'm so nervous but i'm excited." i tell her. "do you think she'll say yes?"

she nods, "have you seen the way she looks at him? she's more than in love with your dad." she tells me and i smile.

i'm glad they both found each other. even though they're both in their forties, they still believe in love. after everything my dad has been through romantically, it was about time found someone who's going to be there for him no matter what.

a few minutes later, we get to school and i park the car in the parking lot. from afar, i looked at mattia who wearing his usual hoodie and sweatpants.

i laughed to myself as i thought about how he makes no effort to look decent for school, yet manages to look good.

lauren and i walk up to the group and we all greet each other. "guess what." i told mattia.

"what?" he asked and i pulled out my phone. his eyes widen and he smiles, "holy shit you got your phone back!" he says loudly and i eagerly nod.

"i literally didn't even do anything. i was eating breakfast and he just handed me my phone." i explained. "not even lauren can believe it."

he playfully rolls his eyes, "of course she can't." he says and i narrow my eyebrows.

"i don't get it." i tell him and he shakes his head, rubbing his eyebrows with his fingers. "you're lying." i tell him. "what happened to no secrets?" i crossed my arms and rubbed my lips together.

he looks at my lips and then at me, "i talked to your dad yesterday." he says and my heart immediately drops.

"oh my god." i tell him. "when? i don't remember that happening."

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