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2 weeks later

today's appointment would determine if i was ready to walk with crutches or not. my doctors have been advising me to not test and find out for myself before visiting my appointments so the anxiety has been through the roof.

if i'm able to walk without my crutches then not only can i have sex but i can drive and walk normally again. i've missed driving my car so much it's not even funny, i actually want to experience traffic now.

"hello mattia, how are you feeling today?" my physical therapist asked me.

"a little anxious, i really want to see if i can take these crutches off or not." i said and she laughed.

"okay first i'm going to have you sit down and we're going to do some stretches and then i'll massage the area before we get into the exercises, okay?" she said and i nodded.

the stretches consisted of stretching my leg and foot out to make it reach its fullest potential for exercise. she never fails to stress the important of stretching before exercising, especially after an injury. the massages were my favorite part because she really knows how to get in there without giving me too much pain.

thankfully, i haven't been feeling pain recently. last week i had pain and swelling which made me feel like i was going to need to stay on these crutches but this week i've been feeling good honestly. which is why these crutches need to come off today.

if i can have a normal birthday with no crutches, i'd be set.

after the stretching and the massages, she grabs the crutches and helps me up. "okay we're gonna start with the exercises now so with the crutches walk to the opposite side of the room." she directs me.

i tightly hold onto the crutches as i walk to the other side of the room. "now i want you to stay balances on the non injured foot and place your crutches against the wall." she tells me and i do. "okay mattia, moment of truth, place your injured foot down and take one step."

i take a deep breath in and place my foot down to take a step, and my heart drops. i look at her eyes as a big smile takes over my face, "it didn't hurt!" i said and she smiled happily.

"okay wait let's not celebrate yet, walk to one side of the room and back." i slowly walk and i don't feel any pain or big pressure. "what are you feeling?" she asks me.

"i feel very small pressure but the more i walk the less i feel it, i feel it more when im standing still." i say and she claps.

"mattia that's awesome!" she says. "i think we can have you not wear the crutches but i will still need you to have your leg wrapped in a bandage to keep your leg firm and come to therapy for at least 2 more weeks." she said. "i'm proud of you mattia, you've really shown your dedication to your recovery and you really have you to thank for your progress."


after therapy, i called my mom to tell her to pick me up and i told her the great news. "that's amazing matti." she said as i could hear her tear up from the tone in her voice. "i'm so sorry for everything."

"mamma, what are you doing?" i asked her. "don't apologize."

"as your mom, i'm supposed to protect you and i can't believe i let this happen to you." she said and i felt my heart sink.

"please don't think like that," i told her. "none of this is your fault mamma, let's just enjoy the fact that your favorite son can walk again."

"you're on speaker by the way," i heard gianluca say and i laughed.

"good." i responded. "i'll see you guys here, i'm gonna call madison." i said and we said our goodbyes before hanging up.

i called madison and she answered with her usual dragged out "hello?"

"you will never guess what." i tell her.

"what?" she says in a happy tone.

"wait, why are you so happy?" i asked and she laughed.

"because i feel like i know what it is but i wanna hear you say it." she says and i smile.

she's so cute.

"no more crutches." i said and her loud cheers made me lightly lift my phone from my ear.

"i knew it!" she said. "that's amazing mattia what the fuck!"

"and you know what that means?" i said.

"don't even say-"

"i can drive us now." i said and i could hear her say never mind. "what did you think i was gonna say?"

"about us having sex." she said and i laughed.

"look who has a dirty mind now." i said.

"shut up." she laughed. "now you're definitely losing that bet."

"maybe i'll lose on purpose," i tell her.

"no that ruins the fun," she said.

"i guess we'll see, but dude i can drive now." i said. "i've missed my car so fucking much."

"now you can be my personal chauffeur again." she says.

"can you believe i actually want to experience traffic again?" i said and she laughed.

"you're such a dork."

i see my moms car pull up so i tell madison i'll call her when i'm home.

"i love you." i remind her.

"i love you too." i hear her say through a smile.


author's note

habits ❀ mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now