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baby <3

i promise it's not what ttr
made it seem

she came to pick up her

we didn't do anything and i
told her to never come back
once i gave her the clothes

i promise you

please respond


madison i'm sorry i didn't
tell you

i really mean it when i say
nothing happened

i don't want anything to do
with her

you can literally ask any of the
boys if you don't believe me


don't babe me

i knew you'd answer if i called
you that

where are you?

at school

nah shit

but where

don't worry about it

can we please talk about

what's there to talk about?

i want to explain myself before
you jump to any conclusions

lmao who said i'm jumping to

i know you

and i know you too

clearly not if you think i'd sleep
with jenna again

did i say that?

no but you didn't need to

stop assuming

says you


don't even go there lmao

we're already there

you're not the one who's allowed
to be mad rn

so you admit that you're mad


then why'd you say that?

because you have less of a reason

you're such a fucking taurus


can you please just tell me where
you are?

upstairs in the library

that wasn't so hard right


i have every right to be mad. we've been working on our "relationship" for the past two weeks just for him to pull this shit. if it were any other girl i'd be fine, but this is jenna we're talking about.

the girl who wanted to ruin my relationship from the start and the same girl who knew i was going to get drugged that one night.

mattia's lucky i'm even giving him a chance after everything he did and who he did it with.

"i'm sorry." i heard from behind and i turned around to see mattia. he sits down next to me and turns to me, "nothing happened, i promise." he said.

"what happened then?" i asked him. "because seeing your ex leave your house with a pile of clothes and a smile on her face looks a little suspicious to me."

he laughs and i glare at him before his face drops. "sorry." he apologizes for laughing. "i was hanging out with the boys and then she came out of no where to pick up her clothes."

"that's it?" i asked.

"alejandro and i got in an argument because of it but other than that, yes that's it." he says.

"why did you and ale argue?" i asked him and he sighed.

"he got mad at me as if i invited jenna over when i didn't, so we argued until he left my house." he said. "that's not important." he says. "i should've known she didn't just come to pick up her clothes when i saw her friend in a car."

"she probably took the picture then." i said once i connected the dots and now i feel guilty for being mean to him.

"i don't want to leave on bad terms with you." he says as he grabbed my hand.

that's right, he's going on tour.

"when do you leave?" i ask him.

"two weeks." he says.

"technically we're still on bad terms." i raised my eyebrows and he laughed.

"if this is bad terms, then i'm excited for good terms." he says and i playfully hit his arm.

"where's your first stop?" i asked him.

"here by ocean city." he says.

he's going to be gone for more than a month and i don't know how i feel about that. as much as i don't want to admit it, i'm going to miss him.

"have you decided on any schools yet?" he asked and i shook my head as i sighed.

"i don't even know where i want to go." i admitted. "and i feel weird applying to the same school as you."

he chuckles, "madison you can apply wherever you want to." he says. "i would love for us to go to the same school, but that's completely up to you." he says. "just don't hold yourself back from applying to a school only because i'm applying there too." he said.

he's right. i know the schools i want to apply to, but i just don't want it to look like i'm doing it for him. plus it's more to that too. what if i don't get in? i have a good sat score but they don't only look at that.

"i'm afraid of being rejected." i said as i bit my nails.

he grabbed my wrist and pull them away from my face. "you're going to be fine." he says. "you're going to get accepted to at least one school."

i sigh before nodding. "you really want to go to columbia huh?" i asked him and he nods.

"it's been my dream school for as long as i can remember." he said. "while you were away, i did some after school sat tutoring and i got my shit together." he explained. "at least academically."

i smiled at the thought of him putting his effort into school. not that he's never done it, but he's definitely had some difficulties especially with english.

"what did you score?" i asked him.

"1400." he said and i raised my eyebrows.

"wow." i say in shock and he laughs.

"you look surprised." he says.

"i didn't know you had it in you." i reply and his mouth opens.

"what's that supposed to mean?" he sassily asks.

"i'll leave that up to you." i say as i get up from my seat. "the bell's going to ring in two minutes."

"i'll walk you to class."


author's note
i know it's been years guys and i apologize AGAIN. like usual, i'm trying to update at least once a week. i hope you're all safe and healthy! if you are 18+ please don't forget to vote (preferably blue) on nov. 3! every vote counts and if you don't vote it goes on your public record!

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