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we finally got off the plane and i grabbed my phone to call my dad. "don't." mattia said as he quickly slid off the dial screen.

"what do you mean don't? i'm not walking home." i told him.

"i'll give you a ride." he says and i chuckle.

"yeah, no." i said as i unlocked my phone.

he snatched it out of my hand and pressed on my dad's contact name. "what the fuck are you doing?" i asked as he kept turning away from me so i wouldn't get my phone back.

"hey mason, it's mattia how are you?" he asked my dad. "i know, we have to catch up. is it okay with you if i take madison home?" he asks and smiles once he gets his answer. "lauren's gonna hang out with with alejandro for a while." he said. "perfect, i'll have her home soon." he said. "bye."

he hands me my phone back, "we better get going." he said as he drags both of our luggage's and walks ahead of me.

he's so cute, he makes it hard to be mean to him.

"you're annoying, you know that right?" i asked him.

"so i've been told." he responds and my mouth opens agape at what he just said.

he just pulled a me on me.

we walked over to his car and he pressed a button on his key that automatically opens his trunk.

he placed both of our luggage's inside before closing it. i walk over to my side and he quickly jogs to my door and opens it.

i playfully roll my eyes at his kind action, "thank you." i tell him and he closes the door.

he walks over to the driver's seat and sits inside, instantly connecting his bluetooth. his car hasn't changed a bit.

drake begins to play and i can't help but laugh at what he's trying to do. "what's so funny?" he asks with a laugh.

"you know me well but i know you better." i told him. "i know what you're doing. you're playing drake to make me happy."

"is it working?" he smiled as he looked over to me.

i looked out the window with my arms crossed and looked at him. "only because it's drake." i pointed and he laughed.

the car ride was nice and peaceful. there was no awkward tension between us thankfully. otherwise, i would've thrown myself out the car and walked home.

he pulls over to my house and parks the car. i help him grab my luggage even though he does more of the carrying than i do.

we walk up to my front door step, "i hope you know this car ride doesn't mean i like you." i told him.

"you've made that very clear." he says. "i was wondering if you wanted to hang out this weekend." he asked.

i shook my head, "mattia-"

"just to hang out. no kissing no nothing. just to talk normally." he said and i looked at him.

"then that means no surprises." i said as i crossed my arms at him.

every time we went out, he always tried to keep the location a surprise.

"come on, surprises are my thing." he said and i shrugged.

"i don't even know if i can go out with you so." i said.

"well, that's why you ask." he says. "or do you want me to recommend my dad's restaurant again?" he smiles and i can't help but smile back.

"that won't be necessary." i told him before grabbing onto my luggage. "thank you for the ride."

"tell your dad i say hi." he says as he walks over to his car. "and don't forget to ask!" he shouts from far.

"yeah, yeah." i told him.

"i mean it!" he says and i flick him off before walking in.

i notice my dad and raquel both peeking out the window. "are you guys back together?" raquel abruptly asks.

"i missed you guys too." i said and they laugh. "no, we're not back together."

"how was social bash?" my dad asked me and i shrugged.

"it was fun." i told him.

"so, who's mariano?" he asked me and i looked at him.

"he's a friend." i told him and he nods.

"does he get along with mattia?" he asked and i pursed my lips.

"dad how do you know all of this?" i ask him and he pulls his phone out.

"i may be old, but i know how social media works." he says and i laugh. "i don't like that mariano kid."

"he's just a friend there's literally nothing to worry about." i told him.

"he seems problematic." my dad says.

"and mattia doesn't?" i raised my eyebrows. "they were both giving each other attitude."

"just make sure you choose the right one." raquel says and i nod.

"which is none." i said as i walked up the stairs.


author's notes
short chapter, i'll update again tomorrow if i can <33

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