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"What, that you're Kid Danger?" Really, Char? We were talking about this before Hen came home. 

"Shut up! Just... Just..." Hen looks out his to make sure that there's no one out there to listen in on our talk. Once it's clear, he locks the door. 

"I'm Kid Danger." 

"I know. I figured that out." 

"I knew that before Char did." 

"Just promise me you two will never tell anyone." 

"I promise."

"Same here." 

"No, you don't understand. I took an oath that I'd never tell anyone that I'm Captain Man's sidekick." 

"I swear. I'm never going to tell." 


"Can I tell Jasper?" 

"No!" Henry and I both say in unison. 



I can't believe of my best friends know my secret. Tess and Charlotte. Down the elevator into the mancave and see my boss watching the news from a few days ago while eating noodles. 

"Doesn't that bug you?"

"Yes."  I clear my throat to get his attention. 


"Henry. I didn't know you were working today. Did I butt beep you?" 

"No. Uh... Can I talk to you about something?" 

"Babies come from the baby store." 

"It's not about that." 

"Oh. Whew. What's up?"

"You know my friends Charlotte and Tess?" 


"Yeah, well, Charlotte's like really smart while Tess is scary and smart.  And, uh, they... kind of figured out..."

"Figured out what?" 

"That, um... I'm Kid Danger. Isn't that kooky?" 

"Yeah. What did you tell them?"

"That I am... Kid Danger." 

"Oh. Interesting." 

"You're not mad, right?" 

"Mad? No." 


"You're fired." 


"That's right. You can leave your watch on the table there."

"But I swear I didn't want to tell them. They figured it out." 

"Henry... You took an oath."

"I know, but..." 

"You promised me you wouldn't tell anyone. And I trusted you to keep that promise. When trust is broken, it can never be fixed."

"Yes it can."

"Open this cookie and read the fortune." I take the cookie, open it, and read what's on the paper.

"When trust is broken, it can never be fixed." 

"Let's not argue with the Chinese. Goodbye, Henry." I take my watch off and put it on the table and leave. 

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