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The girl kisses Hen. The girl stops kissing Hen.

"Isn't that more fun that fighting with me?"

"No. Maybe. Kind of. I can't be sure unless you do it again." Oh, my fucking God, Henry! You got all pissy when Bianca "cheated" on you, and now you're doing the same! 

"Maybe I will tomorrow night if you come alone." 

"But I..."

"Bye, Herbert." The girl leaves and Ray comes back. He was in the bathroom a long time. I come out of the shadows. 

"Hey. I'm done peeing." TMI, Ray.

Man Cave

"Will you guys hurry and get these handcuffs off of me? I've had an itch for an hour and I can't scratch it."

"Where's your itch?"

"We'll scratch it for you."

"Eh, I don't think you want to do that."

"Hey, give me one of my gum balls." Ray pops one of Hen's gumballs into Hen's mouth. 

"Start trying to pick the lock." 


"I got it." 

"Hang on. I'm going to change back." Hen pops a bubble and turns back into his normal self. 

"Okay, try to unlock me." I start to pick the lock. 

"You know, I don't understand you." 

"What did I do?"

"You let all the Wall Dogs get away." I'm surprised that Ray isn't yelling at me since I didn't catch the Wall Dogs either. 

"Hey, I caught one. 'Till she tricked me and handcuffed me to this ball washer." Damn, this lock is different than the lock that Jasp use to lock my bedroom door with. 


"You never said she was a girl." 

"Well, she was. And she was really tough. And pretty. Like Tess if she was a villain." My ears perk up. I'm sorry, what? Did Hen just say that she's me if I was a villain? Oook, weird thing for him to say.

"She had these... These eyes... And this face..."

"Oh, she had eyes and a face?"

"Well, at least we have a description of her." Ray starts at Hen. I'm guessing Ray can tell that she kissed him. 

"Why are you looking at me?"

"What's that on your lips?"

"I don't know. Lip skin?" Ray wipes off of whatever the girl left on Hen's lips. 

"Sticky..." Ray tastes the residue. 


"Lip gloss?" She wears lip gloss? 

"Did you kiss that girl Wall Dog?" More of she kissed him. 

"No. She kissed me." 

"Oh my God."

"And Tess didn't kill her?"

"Tess was busy staying in the shadows since Hood Danger isn't an official side kick." 


"You let your guard down and you let a criminal escape because the criminal happened to be a pretty girl?"

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