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Schwoz shoots off one the rocket darts. The Rocket dart heads for Hen but, Hen ducks. It worked!


"See how fast he moves?"

"Schwoz! Why'd you just--" Schwoz shoots off the other rocket darts. Hen catches one of the rocket darts. 

"Whooaaa! Ha ha!"


"H-How'd I..."

"It's your new power!"

"You have super fast reflexes!"

"This amazing!"

"Yes. And also... You owe us $250."

"Wait... Where's Drex and Jasper?" 

"Uh... Still at Swellview Park, on or near the playground."

"'Kay. Give it to me." Char hands Hen his tube of gum. Hen pops a gumball.

"Stand back." We all stand back a little. 

"Seriously, when do we get our $250?" Hen transforms into Kid Danger.

"All right, Schwoz, you fly me in the Man-Copter. Let's go."

"Aye." I put my cloak on.

"Tess, aren't you still hurt?"

"This town still needs a superhero and that superhero still needs backup." Hen seems to smile when I say that. We head to the tubes, and wait for Schwoz. 

"Thank you, Schwahbbit and Kooschtello! Have a safe trip home!" Schwoz does that weird thing that he did earlier and walks to the tubes. The tubes come down.

"Up the tube!"

"Wait Schwoz! When do we--"

"I'll send you the money!" We go up. Once we get to the Man-Copter, Schwoz starts it up and flies us to Swellview park playground. Once we're over Swellview park playground, we jump down using the ropes from the Man-copter. 

"I consider the truth my girlfriend, and we are exclusive!"

"You think you're funny?" Hen and I undo the clips. 

"No! Wh-when I tell jokes, nobody laughs expect for my grandma and she doesn't even know who she is anymore!"

"Well after I rattle your brain with this, you're not gonna know who you are." Drex is about to punch Jasp but, Hen grabs the fist before he does it. 

"Peek-a-boo." Hen punches Drex which knocks him down.

"Whoa, Kid Danger, you just knocked down Drex!"


"And Hood Danger is with you."

"Yep." Drex growls. 

"Oh... he's getting up now."

"Yeah, you might wanna run."

"On it!" Jasp runs. Drex gets up. 



"Where's your 'big brother' Captain Man?"

"Probably with your big sister."

"Look, it's Kid Danger and that mean guy again!"

"Someone call the police!"

"I'm gonna mop this grass with you, boy."

"You don't mop grass... Stupid."

"That's it." Drex tries to hit Hen twice but, Hen ducks both times. 

Superheros, Who needs them? |Henry Danger|Where stories live. Discover now