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Hen repeats what happened when Ray became the way he did.

"Hey daddy! daddy! Whoooaaaaa!" Hen starts up the machine. I'm hoping that this machine doesn't kill Hen. Schwoz pulls the lever to turn it off. Did it work? Is Hen like Ray? 

"Henry! You okay? How do you feel?"

"I... I don't know. I mean, it felt like the inside of my body was on fire, but like in a good way, ya know?" Schwoz steps away to grab something, I think. 

"Well, do you think you're indestructible?" Schwoz comes up behind Hen with a bat. 

"I don't know. Maybe we should test--Owwwww!"

"Did that hurt?!?" 

"Well, yeah, you cracked me over the head with a bat! Hey... hey it stopped hurting." 

"Really?! No scratches, no bump, no throbbing?" 

"Nope!" It worked! 

"And no side-effects?" Hen checks to make sure there are no side effects. 

"Nope! I'm okay!"

"Oh my God, you're indestructible!"

"Yeah, I am! Woooo! You did it!" 

"Oh... We gotta go tell Ray!"

"Oh. No! No! He's at the moosic show." 

"Ooo, I know! We'll come back to work tomorrow, and Schwoz'll break another bat over my head in front of Ray." 


"Yah, that's good!" 

"Hey hey..." Char grabs a vase. 

"Can I? Just for fun?" 

"Whack me." Hen bends down a little and then Char breaks the vase over Hen's head.

"Heh? Heh?"


"Haha! I'm a genius! What?" I'm happy that it worked but, why do I feel dread? Like something bad is going to take place and that there will be a side effect. 

The Next Day

I'm up early since Jasp woke me up with his buckets. I get a video chat call from Hen? It's sent to both Char and I. Why is he calling so early in the morning? I answer.


"What's up?"

"Okay... You two remember how, yesterday, after I was densitized, you and Schwoz asked me if I had any side-effects, and I said no, I didn't have any side-effects?"  What happened? 


"What happened?"

"I think I have a side-effect." 

"Ugh, I knew it." Char spits into the sink on her end.

"Same here." 

"So, what side-effect do you have? Did your grow eyeballs on your butt?!?" Ok, that's again an image. 

"No!" Hen checks before he answers again. 

"No! No!"

"Then what side-effect do you have?" 

"When I laugh, fire comes out my--"


"D'ah! Piper's at my door!"

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