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Halloween - Tess

Ah, Halloween. My favorite holiday. Well, for the last three years now, that's when I started to embrace my scariness. The reason why I've won at Halloween for the last three years. In class, waiting for the period to start. What is Jasper looking for?

"What are you doing?" 

"I'm waiting for a cute girl." 


"That's pretty creepy." 

"Oliver is right." All three of the boys jump when I speak up. I smile evilly. A girl walks in, I guess that's who Jasper was looking for. 

"Ooh, ooh. Here she comes. Get away, get away, get away." Jasper walks over to the girl. 

"Who. Hey, Monica." So, that's the girl's name. 

"Oh, hi, Jasper."

"Uh... Cool skirt." 

"Thanks." Charlotte walks into class and sees this too. 

"What are those, flowers?" 

"Uh... yeah." 

"Mmm-hmm. Hey, you didn't tell anybody my secret, did you?" Oh no, he didn't. 

"Of course not." I get up and walk over to Charlotte as soon as Henry is about to walk in. 

"Look, look, look. Look." Charlotte makes Henry look at the disaster that's about to come. 

"He's doing it again." Again? Why am I only hearing this now?

"What, Jasper?"

"Yeah. He keeps trying to make that girl Monica think he's Kid Danger." Hen laughs at what Charlotte just said. 

"Oh man." 

"Oh, come on! Jasper!" Charlotte and Henry jump. My second time making people jump today. 

"Hey Tess. Didn't know you were right there." 


"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah. I just had a rough night last night at work." 

"Really? Was there a lot of... Danger?"

"Shh. You know I can't talk about my job." Yea... That's not your job. It's Hen's job. 

"Ooh, sorry." Oh come on! She can't be that dumb. The hair style and color don't match. Hen laughs at the scene we're seeing. 

"He touched her lips." 

"It's not funny. He's lying to her." 

"He's lying big time." 

"And now she's got dirty lips." 

"Come on." Henry, Charlotte, and I walk up to Jasper and Monica. 

"Hey, Jasper. What's poopinin'?" 

"Henry... You guys know Monica."


"Hey Monica."

"Idiot-I mean Monica." 


"So, dude, trick or treating tonight, you still coming with us?" 

"It's okay to say no." 

"Yeah, I'm coming. You want to come trick or treating with us?" Oh good. Another victim to scare. 

"I'd love to come." 

"Cool. Just remember... A certain Captain might need my help tonight." I just roll my eyes. 

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