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"If it isn't Ortho's daddy." 

"Yeah. Sorry I'm a little late. I had some things to do." 

"What kind of things?"

"Yeah, what things?" You have got to be kidding me. 

"Just some work stuff. So I was told it's Bring Your Father to Class day." 

"That's right."

"Okay... So, now what?" Mr. Ortho's dad, RUN!

"Maybe you could tell the children about the type of work you do and--" Ray lasers Ortho's dad. Why, Ray! WHY! Ortho's dad goes down.


"Oh, bad luck. It appears that Ortho's father is having a medical episode." 

"No, I think you did something to him. I'm calling my mom and then you'll be in the big--" Hen lasers Ortho and down he goes. 

"Uh-oh, there goes Ortho." 

"Good heavens... the medical problem must be genetic." 

"We should take them to the school nurse."

"Good idea. Let's hurry up, shall we?" 

"Help me get Ortho." Henry, Charlotte, Henry, and Ray carries Ortho and his father out of the classroom. 

"Come along, Teresa." 


"Excuse me. Terribly sorry." After we get out of the classroom, I head to the office to let them know that they need another sub for Miss Shapen's class and to mark Hen, Char, Ortho, and I absent for the rest of our classes. 

Man Cave

Ortho and his father are tied up. Thanks to me, I guess. I hide in the Man Cave but, enough to still hear the whole thing.

"Where are we?"

"I don't know, son." Ray, Henry, and Charlotte walk in, and I come out of my hiding spot. 





"We only do three wells."


"So, mister. Are you ready to admit that you're Drill Finger?"


"Who's Drill Finger?"

"Sir, I suggest you admit something so we can get this over with." Ortho and Ortho's dad seems to be spooked when they hear me speak. 

"You know you're Drill Finger." 

"You're a psychotic evil dentist." 

"And now it's your turn to get drilled." 

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know, man." 

"I'm not a dentist. I don't even floss." I pull my phone out and look at the records. 

"He's not lying. He's not a dentist." An alarm goes off which means it must be Gooch.

"Just a second." Ray, Henry, and Charlotte rush to the computer to answer the call. 

"What, Gooch? I'm busy with Drill Finger." I look through the records again. No crimes committed nor any that match with Drill Finger's. 

"No you're not." 

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