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Evil Tess

"Wait. No, no, no!" We go up but, will we come back down in our universe or the goody two shoes universe?


"I have no idea what that means. See ya." We go up, but will we come back down in our universe or the evil universe?

Evil Tess

We come down and we're in our universe. Who or what cut Schwoz's tuft?


We come down and we're in our universe. Yes! We're back home! The tubes go up. 


"Welcome home, kids." Schwoz starts to play music. Really, Schwoz!

"Aw, Put it away."

"Are you serious? Seriously!" 


"Baah." It's good to be home! This was a very weird day!

Man Cave

We go down the elevator and once the doors open, we see Ray crying while his underwear is all over the place? What the hell happened here?

"Why would you do that?"

"Haha, so weird."


"Ray?" Ray stops crying and sits up.

"Ray, why are you crying?" 

"Yeah, and why is your underwear stuck all over the place?" I'm hoping that he's wearing some form of underwear.

"I... I don't know." What does he mean that he doesn't know why his underwear is all over the place? Unless he did it while he was sleeping? 

"Ray... C'mon, buddy. I promise, we'll figure out who did this to your underpants and we'll get 'em."


"No, don't you see?! I did this! I did it all by myself!" I'm sorry, what? He did this? How?

"But why?"

"And How?" 

"You tell me! I took a nap, right here, and then I woke up, this bottle of glue was in my hand, and the underwear had been stuck all over the place!"

"Okay, okay... well, maybe you were just sleep-walking." Could be possible but, unlikely for this situation. 

"Maybe. 'Cause this isn't the first time something like this has happened." This has happened before?

"The other night I woke up at four in the morning, and you know what was in my bed with me?" Well, most likely not a woman. 

"Was it Schwoz's pig?" I forgot that Schwoz has a pig.

"I wish. But no... I woke up and found my myself laying in my own spaghetti!" Was it actually spaghetti or is that just a code word for something else that Ray should not be telling us? 

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Earlier that day, I made a big pot of spaghetti, right? And when I woke up, it was all around me in my bed!" Ok, it was actually spaghetti, not code word for something else. 

"There were meatballs in my pajamas!" I don't wanna know how Ray got meatballs in his pajamas.

"All right, just calm down--"

"I can't calm down! I'm losin' it. I put things down, and when I go to look for 'em, I can't find 'em. And I'm losing my balance too! I keep tripping over things that aren't there! I'm falling down for no reason... Ahh, look at my underwear. It's on the walls! That's not where underwear should be! Why's it on the wall?" Ook, Ray needs a mental health break. 

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