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"Okay, nobody move!" Had a feeling this would happen as soon as the guy asked about the weapons. Most of the time, it's never good when a kind of creepo asks about a superhero's weapons. Jasp puts his hands up while Captain Man protects Piper, Hen, and I. 

"He's got the wiener!" 

"Put that hot dog down, Dennis!" 


"You sick loner!" Ray makes Piper and I move back a little. 

"Don't do it!" Dennis grabs Jasp and Ray has to hold me back for him holding Jasp hostage. 

"Teresa, I know that he has your brother, but now is not the time to risk your life to save him!" Ray whispers to me.

"Now, anybody tries to stop me, this kid gets it." 

"All right, Dennis, just relax. Everything's fine." 

"Don't talk to me in calming voice! Just tell me the fastest way out of here!" 

"All right. Just step up there and a tube will come down over you." Dennis, with Jasp as his hostage, starts to walk over to the tubes. 

"And then you just say 'Up the tube.'" Dennis gets under a tube and lets Jasp go. He'll live.... for now. A tube covers Dennis. 

"Up the tube!" Dennis goes up. What are Ray and Hen planning? 

"You let him get away!" Ray pulls out a remote from his belt. 

"Did I? Override." We hear a alarm go off. 

"Reverse suckage." 

"Double power." Ray flips down the lever which makes the tube go down and Dennis come back. 


"Up the tube!" 

"No, wait!" Dennis goes up. 

"Down the tube!" Dennis comes back down. 


"Tube up!" The tube goes up and Dennis falls. 

"Right tube down!" 

"No, wait, ow!" The right down hits him. 

"Get the covert wiener." 

"Yep." Hen gets the weapon from Dennis and walks back over to Ray. 

"Nice going, Kid Danger." 

"Just doing my job, brother." 

"And now, triple sequence. Tube up, tube down, tube up, tube down, tube up, tube down... Go." The sequence starts. 

"Please turn off the-- ow! Hey-- Ow! I can't take it-- ow!" 

"Hey, remember when you smashed that lemonade stand and everybody was mad at you?" 

"Yeah. That seems like a long time ago." 


After the police take Dennis away, the tour ends which means that Jasp, Piper, and her friend have to be back in sacks. They get sent up the tube. I send Jasp a message that I'll see him at home later. 

"Ok, now, Hen. Please get that modular off you." Hen takes off the device. 


"Much." Let's just say today was an interesting one. 

Man Cave-Tess

Char is pacing a little, waiting for Hen and Ray to come back. The alarm for the tubes goes off. Hen and Ray come down the tubes. 

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