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"How did you know she was the Mad Granny?" I'm sorry, she's the what?

"We were just-- What?" 

"She's the Mad Granny." 

"Right. I know that. But how'd you know like I did?" 

"We got her DNA off the umbrella she dropped at the bathroom ceremony and then we tracked her here. How'd you find her?"

"You know... the usual ways." The ways of Hen and Veronika still seeing each other even though Veronika should have left town when she had the chance. 

"Hey! Leave my backpack alone!" 

"No!" They open the backpack and pull out what's inside of it.

"Looks like we got a granny wig."


"Granny dress."


"And granny panties." I don't want to know why she has those. 


"What have you got against Captain Man?" 

"Yeah, why've you been dressing up like an old lady and whacking him with an umbrella?" 

"For revenge. Because it's Captain Man's fault all the other Wall Dogs are in jail." 

"Well, now that's where you're going."

"To jail." 

"Let's take her out of here." 

"To jail." 

"Yeah, I get it." The police officers take Veronika away. 

"So... You and me? We're over." Hen walks away but, comes back to knock the easel with the drawing of him and Veronika. 


Helping Hen get his girl back, or more watching Char help Hen to get his girl back. 

"Hey, are there any more candles?"

"Yeah, I got two more."

"Cool, put them on the coffee table."

"Okay. You go get the flowers from the counter."

"Where do I put the flowers?"

"Just put them anywhere." Hen and Char put the items from their hands down on the counter. Hen grabs the stuff from the counter when Jasp walks through the door. Yes! He's out of juvy!

"Jasp!" I run and jump into my brother's arms for a hug.


"Jasper? What are you doing here?" 

"We thought you were locker up in juvy for wazzing in the ladies' room." Jasp keeps hugging me while answering their questions. 

"I was, but my mom bailed me out." Yes! Iris bailed him out!

"Well, that's great, but you got to leave. Bianca's going to be here any second." 

"Wait, I thought you were done with Bianca."

"It's a very long and confusing story." 

"I was, but I called her and she's coming here tonight." 


"So I can get back together with her." 

"And just her." 

"And just her." 

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