A Traumatic Bus Ride

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Nothing seemed out of the ordinary as the bus drove outside of the city. You looked out of the window at the city and thought it looked beautiful. Everything was peaceful, and you didn't feel the stress of work on your shoulders.

   " I'm glad we did this, Light. I needed to relax a little. "

   " I bet. As I said earlier you look tired. You have been these past few days. Has work really been that tiring for you? "

   " Yup. As you probably know, from the broadcast that L appeared on, Kira is here in Japan. What that means is more work for the ICPO which means more work passed down to me. So, it has been a little busy at work. "

   " Are you doing paperwork, filing, or could you be helping with the Kira case? " Light asked.

Light knew the answer. He had already read from the files his father had on the computer that you were working to find Kira, but he wanted to see your response. 

   " That's classified. What I do inside the ICPO stays there. "

   " Not even a little information? "

   " Not even a little. You should know that because of your dad. "

   " I do, but I thought I could persway you. "

   " I'm not a fangirl Light. I don't chase after you or send you crush letters like a few of the other girls do. "

   " That's why we're as close as we are. "

The bus started to slow down, and you took notice that you were back in the city. The bus stopped at another bus stop, and you could see the agent that was following you walk by.

   ' They're keeping track of the stops we're at while the other one listens to the conversations we have inside. A tag team. '

The bus opened their doors for another man, and when he stepped on, you took notice of how his hands didn't leave his pockets. The man who entered the bus kept his head down, and his hands stayed in his coat pockets. You instantly fell on edge and cot=ntinued to look at the man's back.

   " What's wrong, Y/n? " Light asked.

   " Something's not right. That man has kept his hands in his pockets longer than a normal person would. Usually, they pay and get to their seats. but he's just standing there with his hands in his pockets. And he entered with his head tilted down as if he didn't want anyone to see his face. "

   " Maybe there's just something in his pocket he wants to hold on to. "

   " With both hands? "

The man was still standing, but he walked towards the bus driver, not towards the back seats. It was when I heard the click of a pistol being armed I felt my adrenaline kick and my anxiety starting to rise. I watched as the man pointed his gun at the driver's head, and he shouted back to all of us with a sickening grin.

   " Stay in your seats unless you wanna die! "

You heard a few people gasp, and some were talking to their partner sitting beside them, but you remained silent. Your eyes were trained on the man with the pistol, and you were thinking of ways to escape.

   " Everybody, shut up! If anybody moves, I'm putting a bullet in their head. Alright, driver, you listen to me. I know you've got the number for Space Land's office on you. Call them! "

   " Okay. "

You slid your hand over to Light's and squeezed his hand tightly, hoping to find some comfort. Luckily, he squeezed back, and you didn't want to let go.

The Killer or The Detective (Light x Reader x L Lawliet)Where stories live. Discover now