The Great Divide

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You sat in your chair when a call from Wedy appeared on the large screen in front of you. Ryuzaki answered the call, and you listened to the conversation, standing beside Light.

   " L, are you listening? I'm so disappointed. I thought this would be a challenge. Security level here is a joke. They've left it all to a single contractor. There weren't even any wiretap detectors. "

You looked down at the table in thought when the idea appeared to you.

   ' That's right. They had no other means to meet together, so they have to meet where they all work. They didn't have any time to find a better place. '

   " It's been about a week since I first snuck into the place. It looks like things have been moving pretty smoothly since then, huh? We've almost got them. " Matsuda said with a  smile on his face.

   " So one of these people. . .is Kira. " Ryuzaki said, eating a piece of chocolate. 

Ryuzaki ended the call and pulled up the camera feed from the camera Wedy installed in the meeting room. The members were all gathered around an octagon table, and there was a chair at each flat end of the table. You spotted Namikawa and one other seat left open.

   " Well, then, now that everyone's here, let's commence our regular meeting. "

   " Wait, not everyone's there. There is still one chair that's left empty. That means they must have killed one of their members. Someone who protested and wanted a way out, but they've gone too far to leave. " You said, pointing it out on the screen.

   " Precisely. " Ryuzaki said.

   " In order to further the growth of the Yotsuba Group and best serve its financial interests, who should we kill next? "

You felt yourself gasp with Light, Mogi, and Mr. Yagami. Matsuda looked excited as he said,

   " You see? It's just like I told you last week! "

   " But before we get to that there are several topics that we need to discuss. First, there is the issue of Hatori's death. "

   " That was unavoidable. "

Your eyes moved across the screen to Namikawa, who spoke. His expression was blank, and he wore grey clothing underneath his black suit jacket. Looking at his suit jacket made you wonder if Ryuzaki and Light did burn the one he gave to you.

   " To be honest, in a certain sense, I'm relieved that Hatori's dead. Kira has demonstrated that we must be committed to these meetings. We now know what will happen if we try to leave. "

   ' So, they did kill one of the members. Hmm, could they possibly not know who Kira is? Light said Rem was going to give the book to someone, but he never said who. COuld it be that when Rem gave it to one of these people in Yotsuba, they didn't tell the group it was them? Do none of them know which one of them is Kira? '

You moved away from the screen and the group to sit in front of your laptop. You opened your notes and started taking them as the group spoke.

   " I think we all understand what Hatori's death means for the rest of us. Let's not take it lightly. Now moving on. Our next topic is Eraldo Coil's report. . . "

   " One of their members just died and that's all they're going to say? " Mr. Yagamis said with his attention still on the screen.

   " So did we pay five million dollars for this report? I mean, come on. Look at this. He hasn't found out anything important about L, like his name or his face. Is this Coil guy seriously going to be of any use to us? " The man with spiky red hair had said.

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