The Real L

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When you turned around to face the man you were surprised. You expected someone much older than you, but he seemed to be only a few years older. He had no shoes on his feet. He wore blue jeans that looked too loose on him with a white long sleeve shirt. He wore nothing else, giving you the idea that he was comfortable in what he wore and that it was practical yet comfortable. His skin was as white as snow, and his eyes were colored black with black bags underneath his eyes. His Hair matched the same color as his eyes, if not darker, and it was spiked up in every direction, stretching to his shoulders a bit.

   ' Out of the things I imagined. . . I didn't think he would look like this. He's so pale he almost looks like a ghost. '

His hands were in his pocket, and he didn't say a word as everyone in the task force was looking at him and his appearance. There was no expression on his face. 

   " I am L. "

His voice was deep, and it carried a tone that suggested he was bored.

   " Hmm. He's nothing like I thought he'd be. " Matsuda whispered.

L reached his hand up to scratch the back of his head, and you could tell he was uncomfortable with everyone starring at him. 

   ' Usually we talk about work, so I can see why he's uncomfortable. He's not used to people coming in his home and starring at him, expecting something else. '

Everyone started to pull out their badges and show him their ID card and badge.

   " I'm Yagami of the NPA. "

   " I'm Matsuda. "

   " I'm Aizawa. "

   " Mogi. "

   " Ukita. "

You didn't attempt to pull out any type of identification to show him. And when his eyes came to you expecting you to do the same thing, you shocked the men beside you.

   " Hi, nice to finally meet you. "

   " Don't be rude and tell him your name. " Aizawa whispered, but everyone clearly heard it.

   " I shouldn't have to. He should know who we are if he's L. He already should know. " You said, turning to look at Aizawa.

   " It's polite to-"

   " Bang! "

You turned to look back at L, and he had his pointing finger pointed towards the group of men beside you with his thumb pointing upwards, resembling a gun.

   " Huh? "

   " What the hell was that? "

   " Hmm. If I were Kira you would be dead, Mr. Soichiro Yagami, chief of the NPA. Kira needs a face and a name in order to commit murder, but I'm sure you've already figured that much out, haven't you? Please do not give out your names so carelessly. Instead, let's value our lives. And Ms. Y/n was right, I already know your names so there was no need to tell me and show your badges. I already know who you all are. " He said, walking into the next room that looked to be a living room.

   " I knew that he needed a face to kill someone,  but I don't remember any evidence that he needed a name too. " Matsuda whispered to you and Mr. Yagami.

   " The evidence is in the fact he needs a face to kill, Matsuda. On the TV when you watch the news, the picture of the criminal goes up with their name. That's how he knew what criminals to kill at the beginning of all of this. Because names and pictures were released to the public. "

The Killer or The Detective (Light x Reader x L Lawliet)Where stories live. Discover now