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THE NEXT COUPLE of days Skye avoided Soda and the boys the best she could. Pony, Johnny, and Two-Bit tried talking to her at school but she ignored them every time.

She knew she shouldn't avoid them but she just couldn't face them right now, especially after what happened with Soda.

She didn't know what they thought or who they believed, all she knew was that she wasn't ready to talk yet.

Dallas had made it clear that he believed her and that he was on her side, so she knew that. But she just needed some time for herself to think things through and process everything.

She knows what she saw, she knows who Sandy is. She isn't going to let that go just because Soda loves her, if she really loved him then she wouldn't do things behind his back.

She was still pissed at Soda for freaking on her but she understood where he was coming from. Sandy was his first love, so of course he was going to deny it.

Soda is too lovestruck to see who Sandy really is, he's always seen her as this sweet, innocent, beautiful girl that he loved. And he was scared to lose her.

He didn't want to believe Skye.

He couldn't.

If he even thought about it for one second he knew that he'd start doubting everything he knew about Sandy.

He knew that if it was true, then he would lose Sandy completely and he didn't want that.

He loved her too much to let her go.

Which was why Skye stayed away.

She knew that he would go back to her no matter what, no matter how many times she broke his heart, he would always go back to her.

And Skye couldn't keep fighting him on it, no matter how many times Skye tried to protect him, she just couldn't keep trying. Not if he was going to keep going back.

There was just no point.

There was nothing left for her to do except watch Sandy break his heart over and over again, only for him to keep going back.

She hated how oblivious Soda was to it all, but he was too in love to see any of it.

After a week of avoiding the boys, they finally managed to get her to talk. They were basically holding her hostage, they tracked her down to the park on her way home and they surrounded her and refused to let her leave.

"Come on guys, I gotta get home!" Skye whined as she tried getting past Steve and Dallas, they both stepped in front of her and she sighed stepping back.

"Okay, okay fine! What do you guys want?" She asked them, getting frustrated.

"We want you to talk." Pony said.

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