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IT'S BEEN TWO months since River asked Skye to be his girlfriend. They've both been happy and they hang out all the time, but they make sure to give each other enough space.

They tell each other everything, well almost everything. Skye hasn't been completely honest with River, but what he doesn't know won't hurt him.

It was Sunday and Skye wasn't hanging out with River that day because he had to take care of some family issues.

So she decided to spend her Sunday at the Curtis house. The gang was alright with River, they accepted him eventually and they were happy for the girl.

Some more than others.

They didn't complain whenever she hung out with River, which she was grateful for. Usually her and River would hang out with the gang so she would spend her time equally with them.

When she entered the Curtis home she expected to see them wrestling or on the couch watching Mickey as usual, but it was empty.


Her eyebrows furrowed and she walked into the kitchen to find it empty, she heard a noise come from one of the bedrooms and she walked slowly towards the hallway.

She heard noise coming from Soda and Pony's room, she grabbed the bat that was near the front door and she walked towards the room.

She put her hand on the knob and twisted it slowly, she burst through the door, the bat over her shoulder ready to strike.


Skye stopped the bat mid-swing and she saw that the supposed "intruder" was only Soda. Skye let out a sigh of relief and she put the bat down, "Jesus, Soda, you scared the shit out of me!" Skye breathed out.

"Me?! You're the one with the bat!" Soda exclaimed and Skye looked at the bat and dropped it, "Right, sorry about that, I thought you were some kind of intruder or something," Skye explained.

Soda scoffed, "Well in this case you're the intruder." he said and Skye shrugged, "Lock your door next time."

"Where is everyone?" Skye asked sitting down on the bed, "They went to the nightly double to watch a movie." Soda answered walking over to his drawer.

"Why didn't you go?"

"Didn't feel like it."

Skye bit the inside of her cheek as she stared at Soda, he looked over his shoulder at Skye.

"Why aren't you with River?" He asked her as he turned back to look at his drawer, he was sorting out his clothes.

"He had some family issues to deal with." Skye said and Soda nodded. Things have been weird between Skye and Soda ever since she started dating River.

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