Fourty two

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IT WAS TWO days until the rumble and Skye's patience was running real low. Especially at school, seeing his stupid face at school made her want to punch it in even more.

And what made it even worse was that people were whispering in the halls about her. She didn't know what they were saying, she honestly didn't care, all she cared about was putting Bob in his place.

That is until Cherry Valance stormed up to her at her locker, the girls face was so red it matched her hair. "You slept with Bob?!"

Skye was never that close with the Valance girl, she always thought of Cherry as a nice girl who never got into trouble. She always gave Skye a warm smile every time she saw her, she wasn't like those other bratty soc girls.

Cherry was sweet.

Or so Skye thought.

Skye looked at the red head, her brows furrowed together, "What are you talking about?"

"You know Bob is my boyfriend and yet you still slept with him! I didn't think you were that type of girl but I guess I was wrong," Cherry said, she kept rambling on without an explanation which confused Skye even more.

"Is that what he told you? That I slept with him? You really think I would sleep with someone like Bob? I didn't sleep with him, at least not willingly..." Skye said.

Cherry looked taken back by her answer, "What do you mean by that?"

Skye's jaw clenched and she looked down at her messy locker.


Skye took a deep breath and turned to Cherry, Cherry's eyes widened at the site of the teary eyed greaser.

"I didn't sleep with your boyfriend, Cherry..."

Skye grabbed her books and slammed her locker shut which made Cherry jump a little, "And if he told you otherwise than he's a lying bastard."

Skye walked away leaving the red-head stunned and confused. Cherry didn't know what Skye meant, but she had an idea of what she might've meant, and there was no way Cherry was going to let that slip.

She may not have been close to the Hart girl but if Bob did what she thought he one deserved that.

So Cherry turned on her heel, ready to confront her asshole of a boyfriend. She found him and his friends messing around with some poor greaser, "Bob!" She shouted his name.

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