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SUMMER PASSED BY faster than Skye would have liked it to. She spent the summer working and enjoying the time she had left with her family. The boys had promised her to make it one of the best summers she ever had and it was.

There was never a dull moment with those boys and she loved that about them, they were always full of surprises.

It was moving day and Soda was doing everything he possibly could to get Skye to stay and not leave him. "Soda! You know I can't stay, we talked about this." Skye scolded him, trying to get out of his grip.

He was holding on very tightly to her hand, it was like they were playing tug of war but with her hand. "Then we should talk about it more! I don't want you to leave!" He whined.

Skye stopped fighting him and let out a sigh, "I know, but you know going to college is my dream, I can't just give it up just like that."

"Not even for me?"

"I've been dreaming of this way before I even knew you existed, so no, not even for you."

Soda huffed and he finally let her go, "Fine, I'm not going to hold you back from your dreams, I'm just going to miss you so much." He pouted.

Skye smiled softly and she stood in between his legs and wrapped her arms around his neck, "I'm going to miss you too, more than you know." She placed a small kiss on his lips.

"I'm going to miss your kisses."

Skye chuckled and pulled away from him, "Come on, help me load my suitcases into the car."

Soda sighed and grabbed her suitcases and loaded them into her car. She was only bringing the things she needed, she could buy more stuff when she moved into her dorm room.

She was pretty excited to meet her roommate, it would be nice to have some company and a friend.

The boys showed up at her house to say goodbye, they all hugged her and wished her good luck at college.

Two-Bit gave her a whole speech about being in the big city and to watch out for muggers, Dallas also gave her a little speech and told her not to walk alone at night.

He also told her to keep her blade on her at all times, the point of going to New York was to leave the gangs, the fighting, and her blade behind, but that's something she'll never be able to get away from.

Soda was the last one to say goodbye, his hug was a lot longer than the others but she didn't mind. She kissed him goodbye and got into the passengers seat, her mom was going with her so she could help her settle in, and then she was driving back in the car.

Skye didn't think she needed her own car in college, that's what the bus and subway was for.

They drove off and Skye stuck her head out the window and waved them all goodbye. She frowned once they were out of sight and she sat back in her seat and let the tears fall.

𝗔𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀|Sodapop Curtis|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora