Twenty four

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"ARE YOU OKAY? I came as quick as I could," Soda said as he rushed up to Skye. "I'm fine, just a little shaken up," Skye answered as Soda pulled her into a hug.

"Who did this?" Steve asked as he walked out of Skye's room, "I have no idea, they wore a mask so I never saw their face," Skye said.

"Well I'm gonna find who did this and beat the crap out of them!" Two-Bit exclaimed in anger.

"I bet it was a soc."

"No, I don't think it was, I mean what would a soc be doing robbing a greaser?" Skye said, "She's right, but we can't rule out the possibility, for now on your staying with us, your not safe here anymore." Soda said.

He pulled her into another hug and Skye winced, he pulled away his eyebrows furrowed.

"What's wrong?"

Skye lifted her shirt up to reveal her bruised stomach, Soda's eyes widened at the sight.

"Oh my god."

"I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch!"

"Where else did he hurt you?" Soda asked and Skye shrugged, "I don't even know, it all happened so fast, all I remember is that they tackled me and kicked me in the stomach, I probably have other bruises somewhere," Skye explained.

Soda's jaw clenched.

"But I'm fine, I'm alive aren't I?"

"Yeah but you could easily be dead right now, it's too dangerous for you to be staying here, and it's dangerous for your mom as well. The fuzz ain't going to do anything so your going to stay with us for a while, at least that way I know your safe," Soda said.

Skye smiled, "Thank you."

Soda smiled and nodded, "Now go pack your things, because there is no way your staying here tonight, you can leave a note or a letter for your mom for when she shows up but you are not staying here," Soda said.

Skye nodded, "Alright, I better start packing."

Skye went into her room and Pony came in and helped her clean up the mess that the robber had made.

When they finished cleaning up Skye began packing her clothes for the week. Once she was done with that she wrote her mom a letter and left it on the kitchen table so she would be able to find it easily.

Skye locked the house up before she left and they drove back to the Curtis home.

Soda made Pony sleep on the couch so Skye could sleep in their bed, Skye had insisted on sleeping on the couch but Soda wasn't having it.

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