Fifty six

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IT WAS THE day before Christmas Eve and the Curtis house was complete chaos. Steve and Two-Bit ran around the living room like children chasing each other with pillows in their hands.

Johnny and Pony yelled at them every time they blocked the tv, the Mickey Mouse Christmas special was on and they did not want to miss it.

Darry was in the kitchen preparing the food for tomorrow where they would all sit around the kitchen table and eat like a normal family would.

Skye said that would be impossible but he was insistent so she couldn't really argue with him.

Skye sat on the couch watching the boys fight in amusement, it was just so funny. Normally she would yell at them to quit acting like children and sit down, but hey, it was Christmas.

She wasn't going to kill their Christmas spirit.

Soda was in his room trying to wrap Skye's gift, he had been saving up for a while now to buy it for her. It was a small black velvet box with a necklace inside.

He was nervous to give it to her, he was so nervous that he couldn't even wrap the damn tiny box. He really hoped she like it, he had spent everything he had saved up just to buy it for her.

He was finally able to wrap the tiny box after so many tries. He hid it in his sock drawer and walked out of the room, he slipped past Steve and Two-Bit who were still chasing each other and sat down next to Skye.

He wrapped his arm around her and placed a small kiss on her temple.

"What'd I miss?"

"Oh nothing much, just Steve and Two-Bit acting like children once again." Skye answered and Sods chuckled.

Two-Bit chucked his pillow at Steve's head, Steve ducked just in time and the pillow flew straight at Dallas, who had just walked back into the house after finishing his cigarette.

It hit Dallas straight in the face and he stood there glaring at the two boys. Steve and Two-Bit froze up and Steve pointed his finger at Two-Bit, "He did it!"


Dallas shouted a few curse words at them as he grabbed the pillow from the floor and threw it at Two-Bit who was too slow to dodge it, so it hit him straight in the face.

Steve let out a laugh and Dallas turned to him, "What are you laughing at? You're next Randle."

Steve smirked, "Oh yeah? You can try but I have very good dodging skills if I do say so myself-"

Steve glared at Dallas for smacking him in the face with the pillow, "That doesn't count you caught me-"

Dallas swung the pillow at his face again and this time Steve yanked it away from him and sent him a harsh glare.

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