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"WHAT THE HELL is wrong with you?!" Two-Bit shouted as he stormed into the house. All the boys stopped what they were doing as they watched Two-Bit storm up to Soda who was on the couch.

Soda looked up at him, no expression on his face. "What?"

"You know what! What did you do to Skye?" Two-Bit continued to shout, Soda looked down playing with his hands.

"I didn't do anything."

"Oh bullshit! She just told me that you and her aren't friends anymore, what the hell happened?" Two-Bit asked.

This caught the boy's attention.

"What is he talking about?" Steve asked as he walked into the living room, "I don't know." Soda mumbled.

Two-Bit grabbed Soda's shirt and lifted him up, "What did you do to her?" He asked again in a low and threatening voice.

Soda looked into his eyes, now annoyed.

"What makes you think I did something? Why not put the blame on her? Why is it that when Skye's upset it's my fault?" Soda questioned.

Two-Bit didn't say anything and he pushed Soda back onto the couch, Soda sent the boy a glare as Two-Bit walked towards Steve.

"Talk to him." he whispered to Steve and he walked into the kitchen to cool off.

Steve sighed and looked at Soda, he nodded towards the door and he walked outside. Soda rolled his eyes and followed Steve out.


Soda sighed and he sat down on one of the chairs that they had outside, he ran a hand through his hair.

"I like Skye."

Steve's face dropped, "What?"

"I like Skye, and I can't tell her because she's with River, and every time I'm around her I'm afraid that I'm going to just explode and confess my feelings for her, it hurts to see her with River but she's happy and I don't want to ruin that for her,"

"The other day when you guys went to the Nightly Double, Skye came over and we got into an argument and I basically told her that I didn't want to be friends with her anymore." Soda explained.

Steve blinked.

Well he definitely wasn't expecting that.

"Wow...okay, that's a lot to take in." he breathed out and Soda nodded and leaned back in the chair, "Tell me about it."

"You don't want to be friends with Skye anymore?" Steve asked, "Of course I do! But I just can't...not while I'm still feeling things for her." Soda said.

"So what are you doing to do? Just never talk to Skye again? You act like it's that easy to forget your feelings for someone, the more you ignore those feelings the more you'll like her." Steve said.

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