Chapter 51- Girlfriend

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Liam Payne- Stack It Up


The alarm in her head just went off and she suddenly felt weak in the knees. It felt as if someone had lighted up fireworks in her stomach  and she just couldn't hide her smile so she channeled it into a greeting, " Hello, nice to meet you."

Did he just openly refer to her as his girlfriend? It had been one of the many things running through her mind since she got here, how would he introduce her to his friends since she was only a freshman but now she realized how stupid she was. This was Ink It, nobody knew how old anyone was, everyone was considered matured, even thirteen year old Heather.

" This is Derrick my buddy from middle school. He's from St Andrews Boys school." Ladi introduced him after they shook hands.

" Which school?" He asks her.

" De Nelson's." Faye replies.

" Wow, you're in the same school, that's amazing. Annie and I are in different schools but we're working it out." He introduces the pretty girl standing next to him, " I hear your school is producing this year's event. I know it's going to be a bliss, I mean look around. Nelson's always the best."

" Yup, that's why we plan on watching it from up there" Ladi gestures with his head and Derrick looks up.

" Damn, that's a great idea but we're both scared of heights so we'll just join the crowd." Derrick says.

" Where's Magnets?"

" He came last year when I missed so I guess it was my turn to be here."

" Say hello to him when you get back, tell him I am still better at Java than he is." Derrick slurs before patting Ladi on the back and adding, " Don't forget."

" Wouldn't, hope you're enjoying the party."

" Yh, and I love this song." Annie smiles as MHD's Bébé plays in the background and she drew Derrick away into the crowd.

Someone else loved this song too. It was when it played that Kobby finally realized he had abandoned his date. This was the only french song he understood and this was one of Ciarra's favorite. He had to leave Doreen and Amy a couple of girls he had met at a camp back in eight grade. He was amazed they even recognized him and remembered his name. He excused himself and went through the throngs of people in search of Ciarra which seemed quite impossible. Fortunately, he knew her a lot and she'd obviously be at the place people's attention will be least drawn to the summerhut next to a small beautiful garden  with a fishpond where the music only echoed.

The place was huge, the size of a soccer stadium.

He couldn't believe his eyes, Fede was practically stealing her away right infront of his eyes and he was allowing him. They were talking and he laughed at something she said and he said something which he clearly understood as the lyrics to the chorus of the song. Then she translated it back to him.

" How do you know the words perfectly and still don't understand it?" She chuckles.

" It's amazing right?" He asked taking a sip from his red cup.

Kobby was practically fuming and he didn't want to look like the jealous person so he saved it. As if JoStager knew what was going on in his mind the song changes to Fireboy DML's Jealous.

Kobby rolled his eyes and stepped aside behind a rosebush when they turned.

Fede suggests they move closer to the concert since he had a performance soon. He'd actually changed back into his Fendi sweater and hunter green track pants. Kobby followed them stealthily and it was quite easy since there were a lot of people around.

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