Chapter 22- Powerful arms.

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That is close to how I imagine Mae to look like.

Kojo Antwi-Nfa Me Nko Ho

" Samed, kindly get the camera." Vanessa says and he opens the trunk again.

" What do you need those shoes for anyway because I can tell you are not going to be using it for our performance." Zaron slings an arm around Lejandro's shoulders and asked.

" Tsk, of course not," Lejandro scoffs with much needed pride,
" It's for Ignite, remember?"

" But Ignite is at the end of the school year you know?"

" Yeah, I thought he would forget like he usually did with everything so I informed him in advance but dude decided to shock me today."

" And it's not as if he already has a date." Samed teases Lejandro as he sets up the tripod stand for the Cannon.

" I am going to have one but she's  pretty tough so I'll start pleading three weeks to the real thing." Lejandro says and Vanessa's cellphone rings. She grins at them and gets into the car to take the call.

" Let me guess, Heather Amarquaye, your Math tutor." Samed mocked," But the girl clearly doesn't like you."

" Is it that obvious?" Lejandro asks his friends as his expression falls.

" Let me give you some advice bro, girls like Heather are never in for boys or relationships. They're exclusively devoted to the work at hand." Samed advices as he turns the camera on.

" That's the same thing you said about Ciarra and yet I'm with her." Kobby reminds him.

" That's because you are Kobby Johnson and he is Lejandro Jill's."

Zaron and Kobby chuckle in unison at the logic.

" Look buddy, there's no monopoly on getting girls, sometimes you just have to let them realise what you mean to them in their life and that's it." Kobby says.

" Wow, tips from Kobby definitely gets the girl. Go on bro." Lejandro perks up and drew closer to Kobby.

" So, anytime I look at Heather, I notice she's always trying to make others feel good about themselves. Even though she's the odd one out of the house." Kobby begins and Lejandro smiles.

" And that's what makes her unique, girls like that relate well with anyone who notices them and what they do and does the same for them. Try it! Even if she doesn't end up falling for you, she would have found the most trustworthy person in you."

" Makes a lot of sense." Lejandro nods deep thought, " Where do you get all this stuff?"

" A great player never reveals his power card." Kobby whispers just when Vanessa got off the phone.

" Sorry boys, I had to take that. Ready?" She calls and they all huddle up infront of the camera from tallest to shortest then Vanessa, after, Samed turns on the timer to five seconds.

" Everyone say 'I love Samed!'" He called out . The three shared a knowing glance and yelled out,
" Samed is an idiot!!"

After the camera captured them, Samed takes it upon himself to smack all three of them for ruining his sentence.

Lejandro reached out and detached the camera from it's stand before taking a look at their photo.

" Ah!" He guffaws showing the picture to them," Samed you look like Santa Claus slapped you with a frying pan."

They all burst out laughing at his stupid look. Zaron returns the camera and it's stand back into the car after handing the bags to Kobby.

" I'm sorry guys but I have to leave. The call was from one of the tax agents so I need to go." She says the last word with so much dread as she hugged them all.

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