Chapter 24- Stargazers

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That is supposed to depict one of the abandoned houses, probably Clover house.

Someone pops up in the doorway and whistles, Faye grins and shuffles away from the others to the doorway.

It was Soraya from dorm 1 Cortess delivering her dinning hall food. She walks over to them with a lunch bag.

" What did you do?" Veronica asks her like a mother who had just caught her kid putting on her makeup.

" Nothing, I just had my food brought to me." Faye shrugs like it's normal to do that.

" You do know that it is considered smuggling in this school, right?" Healenore emphasises, " You don't get to ditch dining and still get your food. You could get in trouble."

" Oh come on guys, it's Saturday. The only day we get served something as sensible as Jollof rice with chicken, nobody wants to miss that specialty." Kweiba says as she opens Faye's lunch bowl, then she gasps, " You got four drumsticks, how did that happen?"

" A senior at our table kind of tipped me on dinning hall details especially those on Visiting days." Faye begins, " Apparently relatively few people show up so there's food in excess. I bribed a girl at my table to smuggle some for me. Turns out only two people showed up at my table of twelve so...we shared it and even if she had been caught,it was all going to be her fault because I am not the one holding the evidence."

" This is one of the reasons why I am proud of you." Mae says and gives her a punch in the shoulder.

" Let's have a tournament for who can eat a plate of rice fastest." Sarah suggests and they all begin to laugh.

" I volunteer!" Ashanti's hand shoots up and Veronica, Kweiba and Heather also join.

" If this had been Waakye, I would have accepted the challenge." Ciarra grins.

" Kweiba put down your hand, you are the biggest foodie in the room so please don't compete. You're gonna make them lose." Efua utters getting everyone to laugh as Kweiba's expression falls.

" She's right you know." Sarah says, " I saw you eat Kenkey...and that was it for me."

" Oh! I have ruined my reputation." Kweiba shouts dramatically," All because of you."

She points at Faye's food.

" Chill, I wish I had your appetite. I mean I only ordered this because I had you guys in mind and also because I wanted the chicken." Faye pats her on the back.

Efua dishes out the food and Healenore sets her digital watch to Stopwatch mode. In twenty seconds Ashanti was done with three ladles of rice.

" She cheated, she didn't chew her food." Heather says with her mouth still full.

The others laugh as Veronica takes last position.

" It was worth the try." She says and takes a swig of water from her bottle as Healenore dishes out the rest of the food.

They had already finished everything including Ashanti's pizza so Faye's smuggled rice was the last meal on the menu.

" Hey guys, let's catch up!" Efua suggests.

" Catch up on what exactly, we're all in the same house remember?" Faye scoffs, " Unless you want to hear about what goes on in a Business classroom, then Veronica and I could tell you."

" Idiot." Efua says with a playful eye roll, " I am talking about your love lives and life in general."

" My mom says the house feels empty now that I am not home. She's only got my Grandma who's aging by the second." Veronica sighs shoving a spoonful of Jollof rice into her mouth.

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