chapter 59 (Graduation)

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1 Month Later

Yeonjun woke up feeling refreshed compared to his previous days. Days full of darkness as if he was sucked in by a black hole. A feeling so negative, he wouldn't want to feel that again

What happened between him and Soobin greatly affected the boy. He was betrayed so badly just as how much he loved him.

It was the worse.

But seeing how his family and friends were with him this time reassured the boy. He wasn't alone this time and he will never be again.

Today was their graduation day. Days passed by like a storm, so fast yet had a big impact. He was finally going to college. He was finally out of his high school nightmare.

He doesn't want to forgive Yeji and Soobin for doing that to him. What they did was unreasonable and very traumatic for Yeonjun. But he is willing to understand and maybe in the far future, forget and forgive.

His mom knocked on his door making him yelp. "Yeonjun~" His mom cooed. Yeonjun snorted at his mom. "Mom!" He whined. "I told you I'm fine already..." He giggled a little.

Mrs. Choi smiled and welcomed herself inside his son's room. "I know, I know," She paused and hugged her son. "I just want to make up for the time I wasn't by your side. The time I didn't hear you out." She teared up a little. The guilt inside her heart-eating her up.

"Mom..that was in the past. Let's forget and leave everything in the past, yeah?" She nodded although the guilt inside her heart didn't reside.

"Anyway, let's go down and eat. Today's a big day for me! Let's cheer up and forget about that in the meantime." Yeonjun said and grabbed his mom downstairs.

They giggled among themselves when they arrive in their kitchen making Yeonjun's father look at them with wonder.

"Good Morning to you too." Mr. Choi said and adjusted his glasses.

Yeonjun smiled and hugged his father. "Hi, Dad."

Mr. Choi teared up making his wife laugh at him. "Are you seriously crying just because your son called you 'dad'?" she teased.

He playfully glared at her, "I'm not crying!" He defended.

Yeonjun laughed at them and sat down beside his dad at the dining table. "Well, I decided." He started making his parents look at him in question.

"In what dear?" Her mom asked.

Yeonjun puffed his chest. "I'll inherit the company."

His parents looked at him wide-eyed. "But you said-"

"I know, I know I said that I won't inherit the company but after what happened, I think it's best for me to inherit the company especially that I am your one and only son." Yeonjun smiled reassuringly at them.

His dad cleared his throat and put down the newspaper he was reading. "If that's what you want but, we want you to do what you really want to do not just because you feel responsible."

Yeonjun smiled widely at them. He's overjoyed to think that they are considerate.

"I'm sure!"

Mr. Choi and Mrs. Choi looked at each other then at their son. They smiled warmly at him and chuckled. "Okay, if that's what you want, Yeonjunnie."

"Let's eat!" Mr. Choi stated, then they digged in.


Yeonjun stepped out of his car and thanked their butler.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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