(JD) Making a Promise

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John Dutton x younger female reader.
- request from @bluntsandblondes on Tumblr. John is dating a young reader. The pair ride out to the Dutton summer camp for the weekend and he ask her a big question while watching a sunset.

John's POV
The sun has barely risen in the sky as I sit on the porch, spinning a ring in between my fingers. Some would ask what's an old guy like me dating a younger woman instead of just retiring on my family's ranch. Well I don't give a crap what others think of me. Footsteps come up the wooden stairs making me place my hat back on my head.

“You wanted to see me, sir?” Rip voiced leaning on the railing of the porch. I’d asked him to meet me hear before waking the Bunkhouse cowboys to start their daily work.

Tipping my hat upwards I reveal a ring from my pocket. Nothing too fancy just like how Y/n would want, she enjoys the simple things in life. “I’m talking Y/n to the camp this weekend. So you’re in charge until I get back.”

Rip nods in understanding, eying the ring in my fingers. “You truly love her don’t ya?” I simply nodded.

Ever since Evelyn died years ago I never thought I’d find love again. But Y/n showed up at a Live Stock Comitionors meeting looking for a job. A spark formed between us with her love of the countryside, one that can’t be broken.

“Yes Rip, I do love her.” Today would mark three year anniversary of dating. Y/n gets along with everyone, including my grandson. So I know I don’t want to wait any long. “I want to ask for her hand. I want her to become my wife...do you think it’s too soon?”

Rip parts his lip at my question before taking a seat beside me on one of the porch chairs. “In my honest opinion...” He pauses making us turn our head towards each other. “I can’t think of a better day for it, sir.”

Y/n's POV
Slowly opening my eyes I yawn waking up in John’s bed. The sunrise poking through the closed curtains before I see a note laying on the covers. ‘Hi, darlin’ meet me down in the barn - John’. Tossing aside the covers I throw on an orange flannel, ripped blue jeans and brown boots with a light brown jacket. Grabbing my tan cowgirl hat I head for the barn with the Yellowstone V hanging above the doorway. Standing in the doorway is John saddling up his horse and mine with supplies for something.

“What is all this?” Typically we’d go riding in the fields early in the morning while the Cowboys of the Bunkhouse worked his ranch. But by the amount of gear on both horses said that’s not the case this time. “Mornin', I thought I’d show you the Dutton summer camp this weekend.” He replied coming to wrap his arms around me for a morning hug. The cowboys, Kayce, Rip and John all spoke of this side piece of land as a vacation getaway. Even Beth spoke of its beauty, having only seen it once while her and Jamie worked in offices.

I climbed on my horse with ease, John leading the way on his. People off this ranch argue that he shouldn't own so much land. But I think he should because if they'd stop trying to sell it, they just might truly embrace the beauty. Once we're up on the top of the mountain he turns his phone off, covering my eyes once I dismount my horse. "John.." I giggled feeling his back pressured against mine, leading me somewhere. "Trust me, honey. It's a surprise." He spoke and he held his hand over my eyes for a few minutes before removing them.

Blinking my eyes I adjust to the brightness of the land. He stands off to the side with a large tent and little campsite sat up. A beautiful sunset glowed behind it. "John..it's amazing!" I awed settling on the green grass. John comes to sit beside me resting his chin ontop of my head once removing my hat. Ever since I was a teenager I'd loved watching sunsets, watching them with John is even better. It's moments like this I learn to adore since he's always busy off tending to the ranch, while I'm off helping his son Kayce who is the new livestock commissioner.

"Y/n." John breathes into my hair breaking me from watching the lovely sunset in front of us. He gently takes my hands into his, rubbing his thumbs over them with a nervous smile. It shocks me to see that look. The famous John Dutton was rarely nervous, unless you count our first few dates. He's otherwise the kind of man who won't let anything or anyone stop him from getting stuff taken care of, whatever it takes. "I love you, Y/n L/n."

He smiled when I replied back with a smile. "I love you too, John Dutton." John clears his throat before starting something that he must've been practicing for weeks. "I love you, honey. I know we've both been judged for dating one another because of our age difference. But we faught everyone cause we didn't care what others thought. You've been like a member of my crazy family with how you Interact with my grandson and everyone else on this ranch. Y/n, you put your whole heart into me and my home. So..." He reaches into his shirt pocket pulling out a small black box, revealing a simple golden ring with one pearl in the center. "Will you join my family and become a Dutton. Will you marry me?"

"John..." I felt tears slip down in happiness. "Yes, yes, yes!" John cups my face in his right hand, slipping the ring on my left hand. I'm the fiance' of John Dutton. He leans forward to softly kiss me. I kissed him back a little deeper before we broke for air.

"Y/n Dutton, has a nice ring to it don't you think?" I tilted my head up to John who wrapped his arms around me gently. "Yes it does, honey." We layed back in the grass watching the last of the sunset disappear with huge grins on our faces.

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