(R) Sick Darlin'

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Request from bvbwestfall Tumblr I need a Ryan sick reader. She's coughing and snoty nose sore throat.

Laying in my bed in the bunkhouse I sneezed throwing my head back against the pillows grumbling as the door opened and Ryan came in discarding his brown jacket and hanging his hat on the hook beside my head. "Hey Y/n you don't look too good. What's wrong?" Wrapping the blanket around myself I didn't answer him for a few seconds shivering under the blanket. I have had a sore throat and have been sneezing since late last night so basically got no sleep at all. It's taking all of my energy at the moment to just stay awake right now. "I'm sick Ryan...I...I...feel horrible!" I grabbed my chest starting to cough all crazy so I had to sit up and he rubs my back handing me my drink off the floor. I thought it would get better if I got some rest but I was sorely wrong about that. He gets down on his knees tucking hair behind my ear for me feeling that I didn't have much of a fever but I wasn't feeling too good that was clear.

"What would you want me to do baby. Can I do anything to help?" He asked resting a hand to my cheek. Leaning into his touch I hated feeling sick just as much as everyone does. Ryan especially hates it because he feels like he can't do much to help me sometimes. Shaking my head I sneezed a few more times about to wipe it away with the sleeve of my shirt but he hands me a tissue so I didn't do that. Tossing it onto the floor before I mumbled wanting to just fall asleep right now. "Cuddle with me...please cowboy." He removed his boots quickly climbing behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. Snuggling into the warmth he provided I intertwined my hand with his almost asleep in his embrace until the bunkhouse door opened.

"Ryan Y/n, Rip is angry that you two aren't working."  Colby came into the room seeing that we were laying in the bed together. He paused just standing there as I groaned rolling over but I started having a coughing fit again so I basically bent my body over the bed and he rubs my back. "Colby get out of her. My girlfriend is freaking sick so just tell Rip that we can't work!" Colby nodded quickly leaving the room where I rolled back over to face my boyfriend and he wrapped his arms around me once more. He kisses my forehead watching my eyes fall closed and that was the first night I had gotten a full sleep.

Comments really appreciated ❤️

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