(JD) Anniversary Suprise

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Another request from @whateverthecostner on Tumblr. It's their wedding anniversary. The reader thinks John forgot but he's been planning something special all week.

The day of a wedding anniversary is supposed to be when a husband and wife celebrate their love, marking the day they got married.

But when you're husband owns the largest property of land to raise cattle and horses that is just not the case, especially this year. Don't get me wrong I love my husband and this Yellowstone property. But today I wish he was just John, and not the famous John Dutton. Pulling on a light brown colored jacket over some blue jeans and brown boots, my hair completely free to blow in the wind. Exiting the house I see a sunflower at my feet with a note. 'Follow the trail to our love - John'. Looking from the note I see a trail of the same flowers leading out into the yard and curiously I followed them without a thought.

The trail goes through some of the feilds and ends up inches away in front of my favorite tree in the woods. Romantic lighting hanging down with a picnic set up in the grass. But my question is who did all this. Footsteps appeared from behind the tree and I gasp seeing my husband dressed in a nice dress shirt, blue jeans with black boots and his signature hat. Did he actually remember.

John clears his throat with a smile on his lips. Stepping up to me he nervously started explaining. "A husband is  supposed to treat his wife right by showing her how much he loves her. And well, I ain't done a very good job at that, so this is me saying I'm sorry." He pauses coming to take my hands in his weakly smiling down at me. "But tonight, my darlin' Y/n. I'm going to make it up to you."

"J - John..." I stumbled for words looking into his gentle eyes. "You remembered. You actually remembered." I grin brightly as he squeezes my left hand leading me to have us sit in the grass. The sun is starting to set making the hanging lights way more romantic. "Of course I remember my love. Our children have been helping me figure out the perfect suprise all week." He rest a hand to my cheek rubbing his thumb against my cheek.

I lean forward kissing his lips softly feeling his freehand running through my hair before we need air. He has made my favorite foods and put some beer out for us to drink. Laying on our backs we watch stars shoot across the sky, cuddling under a blanket. The occasional sound of horses making noises in the distance of the V barn after the cowboys of the Bunkhouse had put their horses up for tonight.

"I love you, John Dutton." I glanced up to him as he hovers above me smiling. "I love you too, Y/n Dutton. And no matter how much I work I'll always make time for you." He leans down gently kissing my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck deepening the kiss feeling us both grinning into the kiss.

He may be busy a lot. But I love him regardless because he is really romantic and loving to his family.

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