(JD) Romantic Ranch

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Request from @stellarosedutton After a long night of helping Monica with her students. John spends the night pampering his tired girlfriend.

Tirdly I entered the Dutton house collapsing on the couch in the living room feeling my body tired from helping Monica get moved into her new classroom. Don't get me wrong I like working with kids, especially her son Tate. He's adorable and talks about how cool his dad is. But I haven't had a few minutes to myself and just relax for a week. Footsteps creaking on the wooden floor made me squint my eyes open. "You ain't lookin' good there, darlin'."

"John...I thought you'd be asleep by now." I groan feeling a headache coming on because I have barely eaten anything today. He comes to sit beside me on the couch, resting a hand on my leg gently. "Nope. I wanted to wait for you to get home."

I weakly smile to my boyfriend before I hear my stomach grumble loudly. "Have you eaten much today?" He questioned to me shaking my head no he quickly gets to his feet. Slightly lifting my head up I called out. "John, you don't have to do that..." He comes back with a plate that has two pancakes on it with some milk, sitting it in my lap.

I start eating some of it to ease my headache as he explains. "Tate wanted some for dinner. But I can make you something else-" I softly cut him off scanning his eyes, being able to read his desires like a open book. "No, it's perfect. John...what do you want?"

He rests a hand to my cheek smiling as I shiver only wearing a short sleeved tshirt and shorts even though it's slightly cold outside. "What I want is to spoil my hardworking girlfriend. Is that what you want, honey?" I blushed at his kindness of wanting to take care of me, even though he gets up early and works till the sun comes up again the next day.

I shiver from the cold once more and he notices picking me up bridal style, sitting me down on the couch that faces the fireplace. "John, that's not necessarily." I giggle watching him create a nice fire, grabbing a blanket and placing it over me. "Nonsense you deserve it, Y/n." He said finishing the fire.

"John?" I call out in a yawn enjoying my body getting warm. "Yes?" He questioned sitting his black hat above the fireplace. "Cuddle with me, will ya." I spoke with a bright smile. He rushes to my side getting under the blanket and lay my head on his chest. I snuggle into his comfortable hold while he wraps his arms around me.

Tilting my head up I see he's staring down at me. I lean up gently kissing him. "You're the best boyfriend ever. I love you." He smiled kissing me back. "You're the best girlfriend. I love you too, Y/n." Finally we both snuggle together enjoying the warmth from the fire. At the end of a long day John really is an awesome boyfriend.

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