(RW) - Cowboy Bodyguard

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Request from @cockscombkingdom on Tumblr. John tells Rip to be a bodyguard over his young rebellious daughter. During a bad storm they are forced to be alone together that means a lot of arguing and something neither of them expected.

Rip entered the barn to immediately see his boss John saddling a horse before calling to his most loyal ranch hand. "Rip, I need you to take care of something for me." Rip tips his black cowboy hat up asking. "What is it you need me to do, sir?" John gazed outside the barn door seeing the girl who was giving him a headache today. "I need you to watch her..." He points for Rip to mumble curse words under his breath. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me." His brown eyes stuck onto the youngest Dutton daughter, who is also the most rebellious one of the family. Currently you were leaning up against the fence kicking some dirt with you boots. "I've got to take care of things before this big storm rolls in. I don't have time to watch her. So can you handle her for an hour or two?" Rip simply nodded watching his boss ride off with the other Bunkhouse cowboys leaving the two of you alone.

"So daddy sent you to control me, huh Wheeler?" I asked tipping my Grey cowgirl hat up that was covering my face that has a smirk. Rip slowly stepped up to me leaning against the fence beside me. "So um - what do you want to do?" He mumbled thinking I don't hear his voice. "Please don't be something crazy." Grabbing him by his jacket I pulled him into the barn, entering the cattle pen. "Y/n I don't think this is a good idea." He trailed off in worry climbing ontop of one of the cattle, kicking it in the side so it's gets angry trying to throw her off. Y/n throws her right hand up in the air crying out in excitement running around the ring, her hat falling off her head into the kicked up dust. "Ye-ha!"

Seconds later she gets thrown on the ground and I hear her cursing holding her ankle. "Shit!" Climbing the fence I bend down hearing thunder roaring close in the distance so I pick her up bridal style having her hit my chest trying to get me to stop. "I'm not a damsel in distress. Let me go Wheeler. I'm not a child!" Sitting her down on my bed inside my cabin I closed the door just as the rain started falling heavily. Rolling up her pant leg wrapping a bandage around it to stop the bleeding. "Y/n can you tell me why you decide to be annoying at me sometimes?" Rip asked shaking his head with a annoyed look on his face. He secretly hated to admit that he found your recklessness exciting. But he couldn't ever tell you that because that would mean he's fallen in love with you.

"I'm sorry you find me annoying. But if you must know I only do reckless stuff because my father said I shouldn't be in love with one of his ranch hands." I huffed crossing my arms over my chest feeling a blush on my cheeks. Rip doesn't say anything at first instead he turns my face to look into his eyes whispering with the thunder roaring outside. "You're in love with me. I always thought you did that stuff because you didn't like me being your bodyguard all the time." Throwing my arms up to rest on his shoulders I released a chuckle grinning. "No silly cowboy. I did those things because I wanted to spend more time with you." Without thinking Rip captured his lips with mine and I wrap my arms around his neck. He falls onto his back on the bed breaking the kiss with a grin. "I love you, Y/n Dutton." Leaning I gently kissing him running my hands through his locks. "I love you too Rip Wheeler."

Comments really appreciated :)

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