Her Spirit Lives On pt3

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Y/n recovers in the hospital and learns about the woman she saw in the woods. Finding the perfect name for her unborn babygirl @yes-bitchxxxmarvel-stuff

Blinking my eyes opened I closed them quickly being blinded by the bright lights. A beeping sound filled my ears until someone grabbed my hand making me open my eyes again seeing Rip. He's almost sobbing at the sight of me being awake. "God I thought you weren't going to ever wake up. Y/n I am so so sorry for what I said. I was just frustrated about the guys but I shouldn't have taken it out on you." He blurted out running his freehand through his hair voice croaking out because he's crying. Squeezing his hand holding mine I try to speak still being half asleep from the drugs they gave me. My other arm is in a sling and my leg is bandaged up and no longer bleeding. "Rip sweetheart. I know you didn't mean it - well actually I didn't. I was just worried you wouldn't want a baby." He shakes his head confusion written all over at my words.

"Why would you think I wouldn't want kids honey?" I tilt my head down blushing at how embarrassing this will be out loud to him instead of how it sounds like in my head. "You don't like dogs...so I just thought that you'd-" He cuts me off getting to his feet cutting me off with a kiss. Reaching up I run my fingers through his hair kissing him back but he quickly breaks it before it could go any further. "Baby of course I want kids. I just only want them with you. And honestly I have been thinking what our kids might look like someday or what they're names would be." I grinned happily letting some tears out. Resting my forehead against his he kissed my forehead until someone cleared their throat. Rip and I broke away seeing John Dutton standing in the doorway carrying a clipboard under his arm. He hands it to me where I saw he had signed the charges for a my medical bills.

John comes to sit at the bedside where Rip sits on the end of the bed still holding my hand in his smiling. John reached into his pocket pulling out a picture holding it in front of me. "Do you recognize this woman. Kayce said you kept mumbling about a blonde Indian woman in your sleep." The woman in the photo matches the one I saw when I thought I was going to die. Handing it back to him I nodded my head yes asking out. "Who is she, Mr. Dutton?" John removed his black cowboy sitting it on his lap smiling between Rip and I. "Her name was Elsa and she was my great aunt. She traveled here with her family back in 1883." That immediately pops an idea in my head for the perfect child name. Because if it wasn't for that girl I probably wouldn't have been found by the boys on the hill. "That's the perfect name, Rip. Let's name her Elsa!" I cheered where Rip wrapped an arm around my waist smiling in agreement. "That's perfect Y/n."

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