(JD) Reckless John

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Request from CoreBore123
Based off season 4 episode 9, instead of Beth. John argued with his pregnant wife.

"Can you make me a cup honey?" My husband asked I pick up a empty cup and throw it at his head, he spins around on his feet suprised. "I don't remember you launching cups at my head the last time you were pregnant." Bawling my hands into fists I grab another threatening to throw another. "What the hell is wrong with you John. Do you not care, not care about living anymore. After being in a coma for so fucking long!" He moves over to the fridge pouring himself some milk not looking me in the eye. "Y/n, you shouldn't be stressing yourself it's not good on a baby." Stomping up I slap him harshly across the cheek once he had sat his cup of milk down.

He rests a hand to his burning cheek staring into my eyes now. I'd watched the news this morning and learned the sheriff was killed. "Don't give me this could stress me out crap. Because I've been stressed out for two months while you were in a coma. I saw the bullet wounds, I saw you basically on your death bed!" He leans his back against the fridge hands in his vest pockets. "If you've got something to tell me, then let's get it on the table." Scoffing I roll my eyes slamming my palms on the island counter. "Going into that diner with people being held hostage, John. You could've died!"

"Was I supposed to just let those people get robbed Y/n or killed!" He raised his voice at me that only makes me angrier. He always wants to be hero and do whatever he thinks is right in his heart. "Unfortunately yes. I'll say it over and over again as long as I love you, as long as I carry your child. I love you John Dutton." He stepped up to me slowly tears in his eyes but a stern look on his face. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I can't ignore what I feel in my heart. It's just who I am. I made a promise to my father. To protect this ranch until the day I die." Stomping my foot on the wooden floor I let tears slip out, resting my hands on my growing pregnant belly. "If you love, you'd stop putting yourself in danger."

John pulls me into his chest letting my tears stain his shirt, his comfortable arms around my waist. My hands clutch the fabric of his black vest sniffling. "This baby needs a father, John. I don't wanna lose you..." He kisses my forehead whispering in my ear. "Of course I love you. I'm sorry I've been reckless. I just wanted to make sure the man who attacked us stays in prison forever. I can't let anyone hurt my family, not again." He gently squeezed me trying to calm me down as my sobbing slowly faded away. "Promise me you'll stop all this recklessness. Promise me, John." He lifts my head up front his chest brushing away my tears with his thumbs, kissing my lips softly and I kiss him back slowly. "I promise my dear wife. I promise you Y/n, my love. For you and this baby of ours."

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