(KD) Thunder Argument

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Request from One_directioner4eva
Kayce and the reader get in an argument and he accidentally hits her. She rides a horse in the middle of a huge storm but gets thrown from her horse so everyone searches for her. Kayce finds her and apologies for scaring her.

"I can't believe you slept with Ryan, Y/n!" My boyfriend Kayce shouts in my face stomping around his family's livingroom. I plop down on the couch running my hands down my face. He'd returned from being away as a Navy Seal just a few weeks ago and apparently word got around to him. "Kayce, you were gone. What was I supposed to do?" I questioned making him halt in his tracks throwing his hands up in the air. "Wait for me like you promised you would!" Getting to my feet I stomped up to his face even though I'm shorter than him. "Oh you mean as if I knew you'd come back to me. I cried myself to sleep terrified you wouldn't until I met Ryan. He helped me through it. Is that what you mean by wait for me!"

Kayce growled bawling his hands into fists, slapping me across the face with his right hand. I cry out in pain holding my burning cheek, feeling tears starting to fall my eyes. "We agreed to love each other forever. Of course I was gonna come back to you - Y/n, I'm sorry..." He soon realized what he had done gently reaching towards me. But I flinched away from him rushing to the front door without my coat. Thunder roars off in the distance as I climbed on a horse kicking it quickly to run off into the fields. Rain starts to springcal ontop of me since I forgot my hat, but I don't care as I release a bunch of  tears. I know he didn't mean it on purpose, he said that war had changed him. I just never thought he would ever accidentally hurt me.

"Woah boy what's wrong?" I asked feeling my horse moving all different directions without me moving the reigns as the rain becomes heavier. I see some lighting in the distance right before a huge clash of thunder roars near us. My horse hikes its front legs throwing me off into the mud, running away before I can get a hold of its reigns. The rain only gets worse as I try to find shelter under a thin patch of trees. I sniffed feeling my whole body getting colder now as the storm grew in size. I never should've left the ranch. Closing my eyes I start crying again until I heard someone calling my name, opening my eyes with blury vision I see someone holding a flashlight bending down to me. "Y/n, Y/n it's Kayce. Shit your freezing!" He picks me up carrying me to his horse getting on and racing us back to the main house.

John hands me warm chicken noodle and hot chocolate while Rip puts my horse up in the barn. Kayce apparently had asked all the Bunkhouse cowboys to help look for me. Once he sits me in front of the burning fire he bends down on a knee tears in his brown eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry for hitting you. It was an accident I never meant to hurt you. I just  - war made me have angry issues and all-" I rest my freehand to his face holding my hot chocolate with the other. "Kayce, I know you didn't do it on purpose. I still love you even after our argument-" He cuts me off wiping his stuffed up nose still crying a little. "Yeah, but you nearly got hypothermia because of me. If a man truly loves you they shouldn't put you in danger. God, I had a totally different plan for this...but I can't wait any longer."

"Planning what exactly?" I question seeing him reach into his pocket pulling out a small ring with our first initials engraved on it. "Y/n L/n, I have loved you since we met at a rodeo eight years ago. When I first said I loved you I promised I'd never stop. Today I hurt you and I'm sorry because a husband should never treat his wife like that. You're supposed to be a team, together through everything..." I felt tears fall down my face watching the man before me. "Today I promise to never hurt you again. I want us to be a team, together as a family. I want you to become apart of my home. My heart is yours. So will you marry me?" I drop the hot chocolate mug throwing myself into his chest chuckling happily. "Yes, yes, yes!" Kayce slips the ring on pulling me in for a kiss that I responded to immediately. He sits me on his lap smiling into our kiss.

Comments really appreciated :)

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